Dr. Mariastefania Antica
10 000 Zagreb
1984 - 1987, PhD Ludwig Maximilian’s University, Munich, Germany
1981-1984, Master of Sciences, Postgraduate Studies of Natural Sciences (Molecular Biology), University of Zagreb, Croatia
1976-1981 Graduate Studies of Natural Sciences University of Zagreb, Croatia
- 2021 – 2025 Croatian Science Foundation, IP-2020-02- 2431 Thymus renewal for precision medicine in cancer and leukaemia treatment, principal investigator
- 01/07/2020 – 18/10/2022 Healthcareonline-HERO, Central European Initiative (CEI) COVID-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals 2020, principal investigator https://health-online-hero.com/en/
- 2017 - 2022 Scientific Center of Excellence for Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine (Grant Agreement KK01. which is funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund), Biomedical research on reproduction and development, coordinated by Professor Davor Ježek, PhD, MD and Regenerative medicine, coordinated by Professor Slobodan Vukicevic, PhD, MD, M. Antica partner from RBI
- 2017-2021 COST Action (The European Cooperation in Science and Technology) CA16223: LEukaemia GENe Discovery by data sharing, mining and collaboration (LEGEND) M.Antica is representative and Management Committee member for Croatia, Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.
- 2013 – 2017 FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1 Development of Stem Cell Based Therapy for Thymic Regeneration, Thymistem, http://www.thymistem.org/Partner, M. Antica leader of the Croatian research team, funding recieved from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No.602587
- 2016 - 2018 Terry Fox Foundation Leukaemia research, M. Antica principal investigator
- 2014 – 2018 Croatian Science Foundation, IP-2013-11- 7140 Notch in hematopoietic stem cell differentiation and leukaemia development, M. Antica principal investigator
- 2014 – 2016 Bilateral research project between Croatia and the People’s Republic of China, Tsinghua University Beijing, The function of transcription factors in the development of lymphocytes and dendritic cells, PI
- 2014 - 2018 Project for career development of young scientist Croatian Science Foundation,
- 2012 Project of the French Croatian collaboration for science and technology
- 2006 – 2013 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia Molecular interactions in lymphocyte differentiation, No. 098-0982913-2332, PI
1995 - 2013 Held 4 International and 5 National projects
Awards and Achievements
Federal Award for Young Scientists for Outstanding Scientific Achievements, 1987
Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1999
Federal Award of the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology, 2000
Award of the Croatian Immunological society for the best paper of the year, 2009
Ruđer Bošković Institute Annual Award, 2012
Fellowship of the German Government, 1984-1987
EMBO 1990 and 2019
UICC 1992
Teaching activities:
Molecular interactions in lymphocyte development, Faculty of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia
Mechanisms of cell differentiation, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia
Industrial Immunology, Faculty of Science, Zagreb and Faculty of Science Orleans, France
Featured Publications
- Book Editor: Acute Leukemia - The Scientist's Perspective and Challenge, M. Antica (Ed.), ISBN: 978953-307-553-2, InTech,2011.
- Book translation: Your amazing immune system, (Ed. Masayuki Miyasaka) 2011 Tvoj čudesni imunosni sustav, ISBN: 978-953-7941-09-3, M. Antica (Ed.) .
Original articles:
- Hofmann, N; Lafarge, X; Antica, M; Ferry, N; Girandon, L; Gramignoli, R; Jurga, M; Kerdjoudj, H; Navakauskiene, R; Schiavi, J. et al.Expert Consideration on Regulatory Aspects for Perinatal Derivatives in Clinical Settings. Stem Cells Translational Medicine (2023) doi:10.1093/stcltm/szad017
- Shichkin VP, Felli MP, Screpanti I, Antica M.(2022) Editorial: Thymus function and aging: A focus on thymic epithelial cells. Front Immunol. 15;13:1003490. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1003490
- Filipović M, Flegar D, Šućur A, Šisl D, Kavazović I, Antica M, Kelava T, Kovačić N, Grčević D. (2022) Inhibition of Notch Signaling Stimulates Osteoclastogenesis From the Common Trilineage Progenitor Under Inflammatory Conditions. Front Immunol. 2022 5;13:902947. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.902947
- Shichkin, V. P. and Antica, M. (2022) Key factors for thymic function and development. Front. Immunol. 13; ISSN 1664-3224 doi:10.3389/fimmu.2022.926516
- Gindraux, F, Hofmann, N, Agudo-Barriuso, M, Antica, M, Pedro Couto, P, Dubus, M, Forostyak, S, Girandon, L, Gramignoli, R, Jurga, M, Liarte, SD, Navakauskiene, R, Shablii, V, Lafarge, X, and Nicolás, FJ. (2022) Perinatal derivatives application: Identifying possibilities for clinical use Front Bioengineering and Biotech. 10:977590. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.977590
- Korać, Petra; Antica, Mariastefania; Matulić, Maja (2021) MiR-7 in Cancer Development. Biomedicines, 9 (3) 325. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9030325
- Petrović Peroković, V., Car, Ž., Draženović, J., Stojković, R., Milković, L., Antica, M., Škalamera, Đ., Tomić, S. & Ribić, R. (2021) Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Desmuramyl Dipeptides Modified by Adamantyl-1,2,3-triazole. Molecules, 26 (21), 6352, 13 doi:10.3390/molecules26216352.
- V. Shichkin and M. Antica (2020) Thymus regeneration and future challenges. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (29.1.2020. Epub ahead of print)
- M. Antica, & J. Skelin, (2019) Current trends in targeted therapy of leukaemia and lymphoma Advances in General Practice of Medicine,2(1), 16-18.
- R. Ribić, R. Stojković, L. Milković, M. Antica, M. Cigler and S. Tomić (2019) Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of immunostimulating mannosylated desmuramyl peptides Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 15, 1805–1814.
- L. Horvat, M. Grubar, J. Madunic, M. Antica, M. Matulić (2019) Inhibition of PARP activity does not affect the differentiation processes caused by retinoid acid in SH-SY5Y cells. Molecular and experimental biology in medicine 2 (1), 38-43.
- L. Horvat, J. Skelin, B. Jelić Puškarić, I. Feliciello, D. Heckel, J. Madunić, I. Kardum-Skelin, M. Matulić, D. Radić-Krišto and M. Antica (2018) Notch pathway connections in primary leukaemia samples of limited size Translational Medicine Communications 3:8 5.
- L. Horvat , M. Antica and M. Matulić (2018) Effect of Notch and PARP Pathways’ Inhibition in Leukemic Cells. Cells, 7(6), 58;
- J. Madunić, L. Horvat, I. Majstorović, I. Jodłowska, M. Antica, M. Matulić (2017) Sodium Salicylate Inhibits Urokinase Activity in MDA MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. Clinical breast cancer. 17, (8): 629-637
- J. Madunić, M. Antica, P. Cvjetko, L. Požgaj, M. Matulić (2016) Modulation of urokinase plasminogen activator system by poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 inhibition Cytotechnology; 68(4):783-94
- M. Matulić, J. Skelin, D. Radic-Krišto, I. Kardum-Skelin, D. Grčević, M. Antica (2015) Notch affects the prodifferentiating effect of retinoic acid and PMA on leukemic cells. Cytometry A. 87 129-136. and
- M. Antica (2015) Notched player in myeloid leukaemia - new insights exposed, In this issue. Cytometry, 87 129-136.
- A. J. Martić, S. Ivanković, M. Antica, N. Hiršl, T. Jukić, M. Jurin (2015) Transplanted tumour growth and the incidence of T-lymphocyte populations in the spleen of Newcastle virus-treated mice. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 30(4):182-186.
- M. Antica, M Paradžik, S Novak, S Džebro, M Dominis (2010) Gene expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded lymph nodes. J. Immunol Met.359 42-46.
- M. Paradžik, S. Novak, G. Mokrović, T. Bordukalo Nikšić, D. Heckel, J. Stipić, D. Pavičić Baldani, L. Čičin-Šain, M. Antica (2012) Ikaros family transcription factors expression in rat thymus: detection of impaired development. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol.25 893-900
- Matulic, Paradzik, M., Cicin-Sain, L., Kapitanovic, S., Dubravcic, K., Batinic, D., Antica, M. (2009) Ikaros family transcription factors in chronic and acute leukaemia. Am J Hematol. 84 375 -377.
- M. Antica, L. Cicin-Sain, S. Kapitanovic, M. Matulić, S. Dzebro and M. Dominis (2008) Aberrant Ikaros, Aiolos and Helios expression in Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood 111 3296 - 3297.
- M. Antica, Dubravcic, K., Rajic, LJ., Labar, B., Batinic, D. (2007) A search for a mutation of the Aiolos phosphorylation domain in lymphocytes from leukaemia patients. Haematologica Haematologica. 92 260-261
- M. Antica, R. Scollay (1999) Development of T lymphocytes at extrathymic sites. J. Immunol., 163 206-211.
- J. Ismaili, M. Antica and L. Wu (1996) CD4 and CD8 expression and T cell antigen receptor gene rearrangement in early intrathymic precursor cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 26 731-737.
- M. Antica L. Wu, K. Shortman and R. Scollay (1994) Thymic stem cells in the mouse bone marrow. Blood 84, 111-117
- M. Antica L. Wu, K. Shortman and R. Scollay (1993) Intrathymic lymphoid precursor cells during fetal thymus development. J. Immunol.151, 1-9
- L. Wu, M. Antica G. R. Johnson, R. Scollay and K. Shortman (1991) Developmental potential of the earliest precursor cells from the adult mouse thymus. J. Exp. Med174, 1617 – 1627
Publications - authored books
Monografija (znanstvena)
Menac, Antica ; Fink-Arsovski, Željka ; Mironova Blažina, Irina ; Venturin, Radomir | Hrvatsko-ruski frazeološki rječnik : kazalo hrvatskih i ruskih frazema = Horvatsko-russkii frazeologičeskii slovary = ukazatel’ horvatskih i russkih frazeologizmov. Zagreb: Knjigra, 2011
Publications - editorial books
Monografija (znanstvena)
Acute Leukemia - the Scientist's Perspective and Challenge / Antica, Mariastefania (ur.). Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2011. doi: 10.5772/841
Tvoj čudesni imunosni sustav (Karada wo mamoru meneki no fushigi) / Antica, Mariastefania (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2016
Publications - book chapters
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Antica, Mariastefania | Lymphocyte commitment and Ikaros transcription factors // Acute Leukemia - the Scientist's Perspective and Challenge. | Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2011. str. 69-74 . doi: 10.5772/19794
doiwww.intechopen.com Antica, Mariastefania ; Spaventi, Radan | Onkogen c-myc u normalnoj i u zloćudno preobraženoj stanici // Onkogeni i faktori rasta. | Zagreb: Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti ; Nakladni zavod Globus, 1989. str. --x
Antica, Mariastefania | Razvoj limfocita u kulturama fetalnih tumisa // Protočna citometrija u kliničkolaboratorijskoj praksi. | Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ; Klinički bolnički centar Zagreb (KBC Zagreb), 1997. str. 83-89-x
Stručni rad
Antica, Mariastefania | Određivanje ekspresije proteina protočnim citometrom // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 796-798-x
Antica, Mariastefania | Utvrđivanje i mjerenje apoptoze protočnim citometrom // Metode u molekularnoj biologiji. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 792-793-x
Publications - journal articles
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Skelin, Josipa; Matulić, Maja; Milković, Lidija; Heckel, Darko; Skoko, Jelena; Škreb, Kristina Ana; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana; Kardum-Skelin, Ika; Čičin-Šain, Lipa; Radić-Krišto, Delfa et al. | Analysis of primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells’ signaling pathways // Biomedicines, 12 (2024), 3; 524, 20. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12030524
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Antica, Mariastefania | The relationship between membrane characteristics, functional reactivity of T-lymphocytes, and the progression rate of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia // Cancer, 56 (1985), 5; 1075, 1081. doi: 10.1002/1097-0142(19850901)56:5<1075::AID-CNCR2820560519>3.0.CO;2-R
doiacsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Hofmann, Nicola ; Lafarge, Xavier ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Ferry, Nicolas ; Girandon, Lenart ; Gramignoli, Roberto ; Jurga, Marcin ; Kerdjoudj, Halima ; Navakauskiene, Ruta ; Schiavi, Jessica et al. | Expert Consideration on Regulatory Aspects for Perinatal Derivatives in Clinical Settings // Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 12 (2023), 5; 258-265. doi: 10.1093/stcltm/szad017
doiacademic.oup.comfulir.irb.hr -
Filipović, Maša ; Flegar, Darja ; Šućur, Alan ; Šisl, Dino ; Kavazović, Inga ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Kelava, Tomislav ; Kovačić, Nataša ; Grčević, Danka | Inhibition of Notch Signaling Stimulates Osteoclastogenesis From the Common Trilineage Progenitor Under Inflammatory Conditions // Frontiers in Immunology, 13 (2022), 902947, 19. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.902947
doiwww.frontiersin.orgdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Korać, Petra ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | MiR-7 in Cancer Development // Biomedicines, 9 (2021), 3; 325, 20. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9030325
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Petrović Peroković, Vesna ; Car, Željka ; Draženović, Josip ; Stojković, Ranko ; Milković, Lidija ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Škalamera, Đani ; Tomić, Srđanka ; Ribić, Rosana | Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Desmuramyl Dipeptides Modified by Adamantyl-1,2,3- triazole // Molecules, 26 (2021), 21; 6352, 13. doi: 10.3390/molecules26216352
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Jukić, Tomislav ; Jurin Martić, Ana ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Pavan Jukić, Doroteja ; Rotim, Cecilija ; Jurin, Mislav | The role of regulatory T Lymphocytes in immune control of MC-2 Fibrosarcoma // Acta clinica Croatica, 59 (2020), 2; 351-358. doi: 10.20471/acc.2020.59.02.20
doiactaclinica.euhrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Kolić, Dora ; Horvat, Luka ; Šetinc, Maja ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | miR-7 AND miR-34a sequence cloning and expression in a1235 glioblastoma cell line // Molecular and experimental biology in medicine, 3 (2020), 2; 31-38. doi: 10.33602/mebm.3.2.4
doimebm.eumebm.eudoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Shichkin, Valentin P. ; Antica, Mariastefania | Thymus Regeneration and Future Challenges // Stem cell reviews and reports, 16 (2020), 239-250. doi: 10.1007/s12015-020-09955-y
doidoi.orglink.springer.comfulir.irb.hr -
Ribić, Rosana ; Stojković, Ranko ; Milković, Lidija ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Cigler, Marko ; Tomić, Srđanka | Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of immunostimulating mannosylated desmuramyl peptides // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry, 15 (2019), 1805-1814. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.15.174
doifulir.irb.hrwww.beilstein-journals.orgdoi.org -
Horvat, Luka ; Madunić, Josip ; Grubar, Martina ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Induction of Urokinase Activity by Retinoic Acid in Two Cell Lines of Neuronal Origin // Biomedicines, 7 (2019), 3; 70, 15. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines7030070
doidoi.orgwww.mdpi.comwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Horvat, Luka ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | The Effect of Casein Kinase 2 Inhibition on three Leukemic Cell Lines // Current drug therapy, 15 (2020), 3; 209-215. doi: 10.2174/1574885514666190724111509
doiwww.eurekaselect.com -
Horvat, Luka ; Grubar, Martina ; Madunić, Josip ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Inhibition of PARP activity does not affect the differentiation processes caused by retinoic acid in SH-SY5Y cells // Molecular and experimental biology in medicine, 2 (2019), 1; 38-43
mebm.eu -
Horvat, Luka ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Effect of Notch and PARP Pathways’ Inhibition in Leukemic Cells // Cells, 7 (2018), 6; 58-70. doi: 10.3390/cells7060058
doifulir.irb.hrwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govwww.mdpi.comdoi.org -
Horvat, Luka ; Skelin, Josipa ; Puškarić, Biljana Jelić ; Feliciello, Isidoro ; Heckel, Darko ; Madunić, Josip ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Matulić, Maja ; Radić-Krišto, Delfa ; Antica, Mariastefania | Notch pathway connections in primary leukaemia samples of limited size // Translational medicine communications, 3 (2018), 8, 9. doi: 10.1186/s41231-018-0026-z
doitransmedcomms.biomedcentral.comfulir.irb.hrdoi.org -
Madunić, Josip ; Horvat, Luka ; Majstorović, Ivana ; Jodłowska, Iga ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Sodium Salicylate Inhibits Urokinase Activity in MDA MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells // Clinical breast cancer, 17 (2017), 8; 629-637. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2017.03.015
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Jurin Martić, Ana ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Hiršl, Nevenka ; Jukić, Tomislav ; Jurin, Mislav | Transplanted Tumor Growth and the Incidence of T-Lymphocyte Populations in the Spleen of Newcastle Virus-Treated Mice // Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals, 30 (2015), 4; 182-186. doi: 10.1089/cbr.2014.1787
doionline.liebertpub.com -
Madunić, Josip ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Cvjetko, Petra ; Požgaj, Lidija ; Matulić, Maja | Modulation of urokinase plasminogen activator system by poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 inhibition // Cytotechnology, 68 (2016), 783-794. doi: 10.1007/s10616-014-9829-6
doilink.springer.comwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Matulić, Maja ; Skelin, Josipa ; Radić-Kristo, Delfa ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Grčević, Danka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Notch affects the prodifferentiating effect of retinoic acid and PMA on leukemic cells // Cytometry part a, 87 (2015), 2; 129-136. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22582
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Antica, Mariastefania ; Paradžik, Mladen ; Novak, Sanja ; Džebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija | Gene expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded lymph nodes // Journal of immunological methods, 359 (2010), 1/2; 42-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2010.05.010
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Paradžik, Mladen ; Novak, Sanja ; Mokrović, Gordana ; Bordukalo Nikšić, Tatjana ; Heckel, Darko ; Stipić, Jagoda ; Pavičić Baldani, Dinka ; Čičin-Šain, Lipa ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros family transcription factors expression in rat thymus : detection of impaired development // International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology, 25 (2012), 4; 893-900. doi: 10.1177/039463201202500407
doijournals.sagepub.comwww.biolifesas.org -
Antica, Mariastefania ; Heiss, M. ; Kummer, U. ; Munker, R. ; Thiel, E. ; Thierfelder, S. | Simultaneous Demonstration of two Antigens on Single T cells using Antibodies with Contrasting Labels // Journal of immunological methods, 87 (1986), 2; 129-136. doi: 10.1016/0022-1759(86)90521-1
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org Mariastefania, Antica ; Jakšić, Branimir ; Vitale, Branko | T-Lymphocyte Colonies from Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) // Periodicum biologorum. Supplement, 88 (1986), suppl.; 503-504
Matulić, Maja ; Paradžik, Mladen ; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana ; Stipić, Jagoda ; Antica, Mariastefania | Analysis of Ikaros Family Splicing Variants in Human Hematopoietic Lineages // Collegium antropologicum, 34 (2010), 1; 59-62
hrcak.srce.hr -
Gavella, Mirjana ; Garaj-Vrhovac, Vera ; Lipovac, Vaskresenija ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Gajski, Goran ; Nikica, Car | Ganglioside GT1b protects human spermatozoa from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA and membrane damage // International journal of andrology, 33 (2010), 3; 536-544. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2009.00962.x
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comonlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Matulić, Maja ; Paradžik, Mladen ; Čičin-Šain, Lipa ; Kapitanović, Sanja ; Dubravčić, Klara ; Batinić, Drago ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros family transcription factors in chronic and acute leukemia // American journal of hematology, 84 (2009), 6; 375-377. doi: 10.1002/ajh.21401
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Gabrilovac, Jelka ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Osmak, Maja | In vivo biderectional regulation of mouse natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxic activities by Leu-Enkephalin: Reversibility by naloxone // Life sciences, 50 (1992), 1; 29-37. doi: 10.1016/0024-3205(92)90194-T
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Hoffmann-Fezer, G. ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Schuh, Rolf ; Thierfelder, Stephan | Distribution of injected anti-Thy-1 monoclonal antibodies in mouse lymphatic organs: Evidence for penetration of the cortical blood-thymus barrier, and for intravascular antibody-binding onto lymphocytes // Hybridoma, 8 (1989), 5; 517-527. doi: 10.1089/hyb.1989.8.517
doiwww.liebertpub.comdoi.org -
Spaventi, Radan ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Pavelić, Krešimir | Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I) in early mouse embryogenesis // Development (Cambridge), 108 (1990), 491-495
dev.biologists.org -
Antica, Mariastefania ; Wu, Li ; Shortman, Ken ; Scollay, Roland | Thymic stem-cells in mouse bone-marrow // Blood, 84 (1994), 1; 111-117. doi: 10.1182/blood.V84.1.111.111
doiwww.bloodjournal.orgdoi.orgwww.bloodjournal.org -
Wu, L. ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Johnson, G.R. ; Scollay, Roland ; Shortman, Ken | Developmental potential of the earliest precursor cells from the adult-mouse thymus // The Journal of experimental medicine, 174 (1991), 1617-1627. doi: 10.1084/jem.174.6.1617
doijem.rupress.orgwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Antica, Mariastefania ; Kušić, Borka ; Spaventi, Radan ; Jakšić, Branko ; Vitale, Branko | Functional differences of T cells in B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia // Leukemia & lymphoma, 9 (1993), 4-5; 133-140. doi: 10.3109/10428199309148516
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.org -
Antica, Mariastefania ; Wu, Li ; Shortman, Ken ; Scollay, Roland | Intrathymic lymphoid precursor cells during fetal thymus development // Journal of immunology, 151 (1993), 11; 5887-5895
www.jimmunol.org -
Li, Cl ; Wu, Li ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Shortman, Ken ; Johnson, Gregory | Purified murine long-term in-vivo hematopoietic repopulating cells are not prothymocytes // Experimental hematology, 23 (1995), 1; 21-25
europepmc.org -
Kapitanović, Sanja ; Čačev, Tamara ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Cavrić, Gordana ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Spaventi, Radan | Effect of indomethacin on E-cadherin and β-catenin expression in HT-29 colon cancer cells // Experimental and molecular pathology, 80 (2006), 1; 91-96. doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2005.04.008
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Kušić, Borka ; Dominis, Marija ; Džebro, Sonja ; Antica, Mariastefania | Molecular insight into the diagnosis of lymphoma // International journal of molecular medicine, 12 (2003), 4; 667-671. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.12.4.667
doiwww.spandidos-publications.comdoi.org -
Vitale, Branko ; Martinis, Mladen ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Kušić, Borka ; Rabatić, Sabina ; Gagro, Alenka ; Kušec, Rajko ; Jakšić, Branimir | Prolegomenon for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia // Scandinavian journal of immunology, 58 (2003), 6; 588-600. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3083.2003.01331.x
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Kušić, Borka ; Gašparov, Slavko ; Katičić, Miroslava ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Monolconality in Helicobacter pylori-positive gastric biopsies : an early detection of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma // Experimental and molecular pathology, 74 (2003), 1; 61-67. doi: 10.1016/S0014-4800(03)80009-6
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Korbler, Tajana ; Gršković, Marica ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | A Simple method for RNA isolation from formalin fixed and paraffin embedded lymphatic tissues // Experimental and molecular pathology, 74 (2003), 3; 336-340. doi: 10.1016/S0014-4800(03)00024-8
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org Antica, Mariastefania ; Kušić, Borka ; Hranilović, Dubravka ; Dietz, Al ; Vuk-Pavlović, Stanimir | Cloning the cDNA for murine U2 snRNP-A' gene and its differential expression in lymphocyte development // Immunology letters, 82 (2002), 3; 217-223-x
Antica, Mariastefania ; Scollay, Roland | Development of T lymphocytes at extrathymic sites // Journal of immunology, 163 (1999), 1; 206-211
www.jimmunol.orgwww.jimmunol.org -
Ismaili, Jasmila ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Wu, Li | CD4 and CD8 expression and T cell antigen receptor gene rearrangement in early intrathymic precursor cells // European journal of immunology, 26 (1996), 4; 731-737. doi: 10.1002/eji.1830260402
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Antica, Mariastefania ; Wu, Li ; Scollay, Roland | Stem cell antigen 2 expression in adult and developing mice // Immunology letters, 55 (1997), 1; 47-51. doi: 10.1016/S0165-2478(96)02682-X
Pismo (znanstveno)
Antica, Mariastefania ; Čičin-Šain, Lipa ; Kapitanović, Sanja ; Matulić, Maja ; Džebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija | Aberrant Ikaros, Aiolos, and Helios expression in Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma // Blood, 111 (2008), 6; 3296-3297
Antica, Mariastefania ; Dubravčić, Klara ; Weber, Igor ; Rajić, Ljubica ; Labar, Boris ; Batinić, Drago | A search for a mutation of the Aiolos phosphorylation domain in lymphocytes from patients with leukemia // Haematologica, 92 (2007), 2; 260-261
www.haematologica.org Dominis, Marija ; Džebro, Sonja ; Kušić, Borka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Inflammatory pseudotumor of the spleen // Acta cytologica, 42 (1998), 4; 1053-1056
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Shichkin, Valentin P. ; Antica, Mariastefania | Key Factors for Thymic Function and Development // Frontiers in Immunology, 13 (2022), 926516, 18. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.926516
doiwww.frontiersin.org -
Skelin, Josipa ; Antica, Mariastefania | Current trends in targeted therapy of leukaemia and lymphoma // Advances in general practice of medicine, 2 (2019), 1; 16-18. doi: 10.25082/AGPM.2019.01.005
Škrtić, Anita ; Jaksić, Ozren ; Ostojić, Slobodanka ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Crnković, Petra ; Skelin, Josipa ; Jurenec, Silvana ; Habijanec, Borna ; Radić Kristo, Delfa | Association between BCL2, BCL2 E17, MCL1 and BAX Protein Expression, Bone Marrow Microenvironment Histological Features, Clinical Presentation, Therapeutic Outcome, and the Overall Survival in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma // Blood, 138 (2021), 1; 4716-4717. doi: 10.1182/blood-2021-154486
doidoi.org -
Martić, Ana Jurin ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Hiršl, Nevenka ; Jukić, Tomislav ; Jurin, Mislav | Transplanted Tumor Growth and the Incidence of T-Lymphocyte Populations in the Spleen of Newcastle Virus-Treated Mice // Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals, 30 (2015), 4; 182-186. doi: 10.1089/cbr.2014.1787
Publications - conference proceedings
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Antica, Mariastefania | T lymphocyte development and commitment // Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases. | Rijeka, 1997. str. 3-25-x
Scollay, Roland ; Antica, Mariastefania | Stem cells for lymphocytes: comments on the time and place of commitment of precursors for the T lineage // Bone Marrow Transplantation: Basic and Clinical Studies / Ikehara, Susumu; Takaku, Fumimaro; Good, Robert A. (ur.). | Tokio: Springer-Verlag, 1996. str. 20-27. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-68320-9_3
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Matulić M; Culej Bošnjak D; Janjić D; Antica M | The impact of endoplasmic reticulum stress on the modulation of the urokinase plasminogen activation system // Book of Abstracts of the FEBS3+ Meeting: Exploring Molecular Frontiers / Dulić, Morana; Sinčić, Nino; Stuparević, Igor (ur.). | Pula: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju, 2024. str. 142-142
Ribić, Rosana ; Paurević, Marija ; Stojković, Ranko ; Milković, Lidija ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Tomić, Srđanka | Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Immunostimulating Activities of Desmuramyl Peptides Containing 2- Aminoadamantane-2-carboxylic Acid. | 2021. str. 525-525
Kolić, Dora ; Horvat, Luka ; Šetinc, Maja ; Antica Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Kloniranje sekvenci za miR-7 i miR-34a i njihova ekspresija u glioblastomskoj staničnoj liniji // SBERS 2020 Zbornik sažetaka (Book of Abstracts) IV simpozijum biologa i ekologa Republike Srpske sa međunarodnim učešćem, Prirodno- matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 12.14. novembar 2020.. | Banja Luka: Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2020. str. 89-90
Ribić, Rosana ; Stojković, Ranko ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Tomić, Srđanka | Synthesis and immunostimulating activity of novel mannosylated desmuramyl peptides. | 2019. str. 50-50
Skelin, Josipa ; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana ; Križić, Kata ; Kardum Skelin, Ika ; Matulić, Maja ; Radić Krišto, Delfa ; Antica, Mariastefania | The impact of Notch signalling on apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia // 2017 Annual meeting of the Croatian immunological society with EFIS on tour. | 2017. str. 64-64
hid.hr -
Skelin, Josipa ; Milković, Lidija ; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Matulić, Maja ; Radić-Krišto, Delfa ; Antica, Mariastefania | Challenging Notch Signaling in B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia // Immuno-Oncology 2018 World Congress (Immuno-Oncology2018) Abstract Book. | 2018. str. 2-2
www.immuno-oncology2018.com -
Horvat, Luka ; Skelin, Josipa ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Crosstalk between Notch and PARP pathways in lymphocytes // FEBS3+ Conference: From Molecules to Living Systems : Final Programme & Book of Abstracts. | Veszprém, 2018. str. 161-161
www.febs3balaton2018.hu -
Horvat, Luka ; Grubar, Martina ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Madunić, Josip ; Matulić, Maja | Retinoic acid dependent reprogramming in neuro- and glioblastoma cell lines // FEBS3+ Conference: From Molecules to Living Systems : Final Programme & Book of Abstracts. | Veszprém, 2018. str. 172-172
www.febs3balaton2018.hu -
Madunić, Josip ; Majstorović, Ivana ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Horvat, Luka ; Matulić, Maja | Sodium salicylate inhibits urokinase activity in MDA MB-231 breast cancer cells // Book of Abstracts of the Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary, HDBMB2016. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Društvo za Biotehnologiju, 2016. str. 61-61
www.hdbmb2016.imi.hr Skelin, Josipa; Križić, Kata; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana; Feliciello, Isidoro; Horvat, Luka; Matulić, Maja; Radić-Krišto, Delfa; Kardum-Skelin, Ika; Antica, Mariastefania | Correlation or reciprocity of Notch and Aiolos in Leukemia // 2016 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CROATIAN IMMUNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. | 2016. str. 53.-53
Antica, Mariastefania | Core concepts and intended contribution to ThymiStem // ThymiStem. | 2013
Antica, Mariastefania | “Hematopoietic stem cells:Generation of lymphocytes”. | 2013
Madunić, Josip ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Cvjetko, Petra ; Požgaj, Lidija ; Matulić, Maja | Modulation of urokinase plasminogen activation system by PARP-1 inhibition // Book of Abstracts of the FEBS 3+ Meeting "From molecules to life and back". | 2012. str. 157-157
febs3plus.imi.hr Antica, Mariastefania ; Paradžik, Mladen ; Kunštić, Martina ; Konjević, Matea ; Matulić, Maja | Notch signalling controls leukemic cells // 15th international congress of Immunology, Milan. | 2013. str. 1-1
Paradžik, Mladen ; Novak, Sanja ; Mokrović, Gordana ; Bordukalo Nikšić, Tatjana ; Heckel, Darko ; Stipić, Jagoda ; Čičin-Šain, Lipa and Antica, Mariastefania | Prenatal ethanol exposure's influence on lymphopoietic transcription factors // 4th Croatian neuroscience congress, Zagreb, Hrvatska. | 2013
Paradžik, Mladen ; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Ezine, Sophie ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros and Notch family mesh network and its role in B-lymphocytic leukemia // 2nd Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology : abstracts. | 2013. str. xx-xx
Matulić, Maja ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Madunić, Josip | Poli(ADP-ribozil) polimeraza u regulaciji života i smrti stanica mozga. | 2013
Paradžik, Mladen ; Konjević, Matea ; Antica, Mariastefania | Notch and Aiolos transcription factors' involvement in myeloid differentiation // Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Book of Abstracts. Rijeka, 2012.. | Rijeka, 2012
Antica, Mariastefania | Regulators of Lymphocyte Development from Stem Cells // Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | 2005
Madunić, Josip ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Matulić, Maja | Poly(ADP)ribose polymerase in the biology of glioblastoma cells // Book of Abstracts of "HDIR-1: From Bench to Clinic" - First Meeting of the Croatian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za istraživanje raka (HDIR), 2010. str. 77-77
hdir-1.hdir.hr Paradžik, Mladen ; Matulić, Maja ; Batinić, Drago ; Labar, Boris ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros and Notch transcription factors in lymphocyte differentiation // HDIR. | 2010
Gavella, Mirjana ; Garaj-Vrhovac, Verica ; Lipovac, Vaskresenija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Protection of human spermatozoa from hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA and membrane damage by exogenous gangliosides // Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology. | Gablitz: Krause & Pachernegg, Verlag fur Medizin, 2010. str. 380-380
Matulić, Maja ; Paradžik, Mladen ; Grah, Josip ; Batinić, Drago ; Antica, Mariastefania | Expression Pattern of Genes Involved in Hemopoietic Cell Differentiation // 9th International Congress on Cell Biology, ICCB 2008. | 2008. str. x-x
Antica, Mariastefania | Regulators of Lymphocyte Development from Stem Cells // Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society 2005. | Rijeka: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2005. str. 9-9-x
Belužić, Robert ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Dzebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Transcription factors abnormalities associated with lymphoid malignancies // FOCIS Annual Meeting. | Boston (MA): Academic Press, 2005
Antica, Mariastefania ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Dzebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija | Transcription factors from the Ikaros gene family in human malignancies // Zbornik sažetaka postera znanstvenih novaka, prikazanih u inozemstvu 2002., 2003. i 2004. godine. | Zagreb : Vukovar: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2004. str. 533-533-x
Antica, Mariastefania ; Belužić, Robert ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Dzebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija | Transcription factors Aiolos and Helios in human hematological malignancies // Zbornik sažetaka postera znanstvenih novaka, prikazanih u inozemstvu 2002., 2003. i 2004. godine. | Zagreb: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2004. str. 532-532-x
Antica, Mariastefania ; Beluzic Robert ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Dzebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija | Transcription factors from Ikaros gene family in human malignancies // 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS. | Montréal: -, 2004. str. 270-x
Belužić, Robert ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Đebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Correlation between Ikaros gene family members mRNA levels and the occurence of human lymphoma // Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society 2004. | 2004. str. 69-69-x
Antica, Mariastefania | Transcription factors regulate lymphocyte development from stem cells // SymBiose. | Zagreb, 2004
Antica, Mariastefania ; Kušić, Borka ; Hranilović, Dubravka ; Dietz, Allan B. ; Vuk-Pavlović, Stanimir | DDPCR and RACE on developing lymphocytes reveal a new mouse gene // 2002 Annual meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Rijeka, 2002. str. 51-51-x
Korbler, Tajana ; Vardić, Irena ; Kušić, Borka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Helios gene expression in human lymphoproliferative disorders // 2002 Annual meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Rijeka, 2002. str. 27-27-x
Korbler, Tajana ; Gršković, Marica ; Kušić, Borka ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | mRNA isolation from archive paraffin-embedded lymphatic tissue specimens for transcription factor expression analysis // Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. | Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. str. 534-535-x
Kušić, Borka ; Gršković, Marica ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Human lymphoma and transcription factors expression // 11th International Congress of Immunology - Stocholm 2001. | Stockholm, 2001. str. 15-15-x
Antica, Mariastefania ; Kušić, Borka ; Gršković, Marica ; Dominis, Marija | Aiolos transcription factor activity in immature and malignant human lymphocytes // 2001 Annual meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2001. str. 5-5-x
Korbler, Tajana ; Gršković, Marica ; Kušić, Borka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Isolation of RNA from archive paraffin-embedded lymphatic tissue specimens // 2001 Annual meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2001. str. 8-8-x
Kušić, Borka ; Bačić, Sanja ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros expression in human lymphoproliferative disorders // Signal transduction. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2000. str. 103-103-x
Kušić, Borka ; Gašparov, Slavko ; Katičić, Miroslava ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Klonalnost limfocita B u biopsijama zeluca // 2000 Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog imunološkog društva. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2000. str. 2-2-x
Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Bačić, Sanja ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros transcription factors in human leukaemia // T lymphocyte development and function. | Kerkrade, 1999
Kušić, Borka ; Gršković, Marica ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Bačić, Sanja ; Dominis, Marija ; Antica, Mariastefania | Transcription factors of the zinc finger family in human disorders // Annual meeting of the Croatian immunological society. | Zagreb, 1999
Kušić, Borka ; Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Bačić, Sanja ; Antica, Mariastefania | Transcription factors in human malignancies // Immunology in the next millenium. | Dunedin, 1999
Antica, Mariastefania | Razvoj limfocita u kulturama fetalnih timusa // Protočna citometrija u kliničkolaboratorijskoj dijagnostici. | Zagreb: KBC-Klinički zavod za lab. dijagnostiku Medicinskog Fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1997. str. 83-88-x
Bambir Švajger, Denisa ; Antica, Mariastefania | Fetal thymus organ cultures for T lymphocyte development studies // Pokusne životinje u znanstvenim istraživanjima - prvi hrvatski simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković : Hrv. društvo za znanost o lab. životinjama, 1996. str. 38-38-x
Dominis, Mara ; Džebro, Sonja ; Kušić, Borka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Inflammatory pseudotumors // Periodicum Biologorum, 1997 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo, 1997. str. 30-30-x
Herak Bosnar, Maja ; Bačić, Sanja ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros gene expression in human lymphoid disorders // Periodicum Biologorum, 1997 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo, 1997. str. 13-13-x
Kušić, Borka ; Švajger, Denisa ; Dominis, Mara ; Antica, Mariastefania | PCR and B-cell lymphomas - expectations and reality // Periodicum biologorum, 1996 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo, 1996. str. 17-17-x
Švajger, Denisa ; Antica, Mariastefania | Fetal thymic organ cultures for stem cell development in vitro // Periodicum biologorum, 1996 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo, 1996. str. 9-9-x
Publications - Conference journals
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Šućur, Alan; Aničić, Sara; Jajić, Zrinka; Ikić Matijašević, Marina; Antica, Mariastefania; Filipović, Maša; Krešić, Ivo; Planinić, Pavao; Radošević, Marta; Jakšić, Ozana et al. | Downregulation of Notch signaling is associated with enhanced activity of human osteoclast progenitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis // European journal of immunology, 54, S1, 2024. str. 893-893. doi: 10.1002/eji.202470200
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com Skelin, Josipa ; Grčević, Danka ; Matulić, Maja ; Madunić, Josip ; Radić-Krišto, Delfa ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Antica, Mariastefania | Involvement of Notch in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia // Periodicum biologorum, 116, S1, 2014. str. 57-57
Križić, Kata ; Skelin, Josipa ; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana ; Feliciello, Isidoro ; Horvat, Luka ; Matulić, Maja ; Radić-Krišto, Delfa ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Antica, Mariastefania | Notch and Aiolos in survival of neoplastic B-cells // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 44, 2016. str. 22-22
Madunić, Josip ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Majstorović, Ivana ; Matulić, Maja | Sodium salicylate modulation of urokinase plasminogen activation system in breast cancer cells // Periodicum biologorum, 114, S1, 2012. str. 59-59
Paradžik, Mladen ; Kunštić, Martina ; Konjević, Matea ; Jelić Puškarić, Biljana ; Kardum-Skelin, Ika ; Ezine, Sophie ; Antica, Mariastefania | Mechanisms of hematopoietic differentiation and leukaemia development // Periodicum biologorum, 2012. str. 67-67
Paradžik, Mladen ; Matulić, Maja, Batinić, Drago ; Labar, Boris ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros transcription factors expression in cell differentiation // Liječnički vjesnik : glasilo Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora. Suplement, 2011. str. 87-87
Paradzik, Mladen ; Matulic, Maja ; Batinic, Drago ; Labar, Boris ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ikaros transcription factors expression in cell differentiation // Liječnički vjesnik : glasilo Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora. Suplement, 2011. str. 87-x
Antica, Mariastefania ; Dubravčić, Klara ; Raić, Ljubica ; Labar, Boris ; Batinić, Drago | Correlation of Ikaros Family Members Expression and the Occurrence of Human Lymphoma // Cytometry part a, 2007. str. 58-x
Gavella, Mirjana ; Lipovac, Vaskresenija ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Garaj-Vrhovac, Vera | Exogenous gangliosides modulate cellular free radical production // Endocrine abstracts, 2010. str. P519-x
Kapitanović, Sanja ; Čačev, Tamara ; Antica, Mariastefania ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Cavrić, Gordana ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Spaventi, Radan | Indomethacin and Wnt Signalling in HT-29 Colon Cancer Cells // European journal of cancer (1990), 2005. str. 186-186
Antica, Mariastefania ; Kapitanović, Sanja ; Dubravčić, Klara ; Raić, Ljubica ; Labar, Boris ; Batinić, Drago | Protein expression and quantitative mRNA levels of Ikaros transcription factors in human leukemia // Cell Proliferation, 2005
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Milković, Lidija; Skelin, Josipa; Belina, Dražen; Lučić, Ivan; Grčević, Danka; Delfino, Domenico V.; Antica, Mariastefania | Monitoring the development of human thymospheres in vitro // The Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society 2024 | Sisak, Hrvatska, 11.10.2024-13.10.2024
Antica, Mariastefania | Haematopoietic stem cell as an example or an exception in the adult tissues // 6. hrvatski kongres kliničke citologije ; 3. hrvatski simpozij analitičke citologije ; 4. hrvatski simpozij citotehnologije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem | online, 13.05.2021-15.05.2021
www.hkkc2021.com Skelin, Josipa ; Belina, Dražen ; Grčević, Danka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Attempts at improving thymic epithelial stem cell isolation protocols // Hydra X The European Summer School on Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine | Idra, Grčka, 07.09.2014-14.09.2014
Milković, Lidija; Skelin, Josipa; Belina, Dražen; Antica, Mariastefania | Thymospheres surface area – a tool to monitor microenvironment influence on development // Hydra XII, The European Summer School on Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine | Idra, Grčka, 11.09.2016-18.09.2016
Matulić, M ; Antica, M ; Madunić, J | Poli(ADP-ribozil) polimeraza u regulaciji života i smrti stanica mozga // Apoptoza - programirana smrt stanice Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 13.03.2013-13.03.2013
Antica, MAriastefania | Transcription factors regulate lymphocyte development from stem cells // SymBioSe | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 01.01.2004-01.01.2004
Antica, Mariastefania | Molecular interactions in hematopoietic development // 2nd Balkan Flow Usres' Meeting | Rovinj, Hrvatska, 31.05.2010-02.06.2010
Antica, Mariastefania | Apoptoza, hematopoetske matične stanice i limfociti // Apoptoza-programirana smrt stanice / Akademija medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 23.03.2010-23.03.2010
Antica, Mariastefania ; Beluzic, Robert ; Tomljnovic, Andrea ; Džebro, Sonja ; Dominis, Marija | Transcription Factors Aiolos and Helios in Human Hematological Malignancies // 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS | Montréal, Kanada, 18.07.2004-23.07.2004
Publications - Graded papers
Diplomski rad
Crnković, Petra | Hematopoietic stem cell profile in multiple myeloma / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Orléans : Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
Konjević, Matea | Notch i Ikaros u diferencijaciji hematopoetskih stanica / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2012
Novak, Sanja | Utjecaj prenatalnog izlaganja etanolu na ekspresiju transkripcijskeih faktora u timocitima odraslih štakora / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2010
zir.nsk.hrurn.nsk.hr Gizdić, Branimir | Protein Helios u limfocitima ljudi oboljelih od leukemije / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2007
Paradžik, Mladen | Ekspresija transkripcijskih faktora Helios i Aiolos u hematopoetskim stanicama ljudi oboljelih od leukemije / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Gruica, Tina | Otkrivanje mutacija u domeni za fosforilaciju transkripcijskog faktora Aiolos u leukemijskim stanicama / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006
Vardić, Irena | Prisutnost mRNA transkripcijskog faktora Helios u limfocitima / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2002
Vraneković, Branka | Utjecaj specifične imunoterapije na limfocite osoba preosjetljivih na pelud biljke Ambrosia elatior / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, 2001
Jelinić, Petar | Klonalnost limfocita B kao pokazatelj zloćudnosti limfoproliferativnih bolesti / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1999
Gršković, Marica | Aktivnost gena Aiolos u limfocitima-analiza RNA iz svježeg i arhivskog materijala / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1999
Bačić, Sanja | Ekspresija gena Ikaros u limfocitima / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 1997
Doktorska disertacija
Skelin, Josipa | Matične stanice iz limfoidnoga tkiva i njihova diferencijacija / Antica, Mariastefania (mentor); Antica, Mariastefania (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
Other Publications
Šućur, Alan; Aničić, Sara; Jajić, Zrinka; Ikić Matijašević, Marina; Antica, Mariastefania; Filipović, Maša; Krešić, Ivo; Kelava, Tomislav; Kovačić, Nataša; Grčević, Danka | Notch signaling modulates human osteoclast progenitor differentiation and activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis // 9th International Conference on Osteoimmunology: Interactions of the Immune and Skeletal Systems: Aegean Conferences, Inc, 2024. 10-10
Gabrilovac, Jelka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Low-density expression of CD3 molecules on R1.1 murine thymoma cell line leads to signal transduction and functional response // -, 2004
Gabrilovac, Jelka ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ligation of low-density CD3 molecules on R1.1 cell line leads to modulation of Fas-receptor (CD95) // 40 godina molekularne biologije u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 25. 11.1998., poster., 1998
Antica, Mariastefania | Od matične stanice do limfocita, 1998
Antica, Mariastefania | Gene function regulation // Medical Summer School. Introduction into Molecular Medicine, 1998
Ostali članci/prilozi
Antica, Mariastefania | Stem cells // Seminar on cell cultures, 1998
Popularni rad
Kušić, Borka ; Dominis, Marija ; Džebro, Sonja ; Katičić, Miroslava ; Antica, Mariastefania | Ig heavy gene rearrangement in lymphoid neoplasia - a molecular biology approach // 40 godina molekulane biologije u Hrvatskoj, 1998
Membership in professional associations / societies
President-elected of the Croatian Immunological Society 2022
Life Member of the UICC (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer) Association since 1992.
Ambassador of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
Vice-president of the Croatian Immunological Society 1996-2001
Member of the Ethical Board of the Croatian Immunological Society 2016-2022