Dr. Anđela Pustak
P.O. Box 180
10000 Zagreb
2010 Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Ph.D. in chemistry
2003 Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, B.Sc. in chemistry
Research Project of Croatian Science Foundation: IP-2022-10-3687Radiolytically synthesized magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia effect on cancer cells (RadMagnNanoHyperT) (2023 - 2027) project -team member, website: https://tjurkin.wixsite.com/radmagnnanohypert
Research Project of Croatian Science Foundation: IP-2019-04-1195 Platinum decorated iron tin oxide solid solutions for hydrogen gas sensing (HydGasSens) (2020 - 2024) - team member, web site https://gotic79.wixsite.com/hydgassens
Installation Research Projects of Croatian Science Foundation: UIP-2017-05-7337 The impact of polymers on the radiolytic synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles (POLRADNANOP) (2018. - 2023.) - team member
Project web site POLRADNANOP
Croatian-Slovenial bilateral project Radiolytic synthesis of magnetic δ-FeOOH@Au nanoparticles designed for biomedical applications (2020 – 2021)- team member
IAEA Coordinated Research Project “Face masks recycling with the use of radiation technologies” (Contract number 25169) under “Recycling of polymer waste for structural and non-structural materials by using ionizing radiation” (2022 - 2026) - team member
(2023-2027) IAEA Coordinated Research Project "Innovative production of novel biocomposite based on bacterial nanocellulose from biowaste using radiation technology" - team member
Awards and Achievements
Three RBI Institute’s Annual Awards for the best scientific publications in 2020.
Featured Publications
Pustak, Anđela; Pucić, Irina; Denac, Matjaž; Švab, Iztok; Pohleven, Janez; Musil, Vojko; Šmit, Ivan.
Morphology of Polypropylene/Silica Nano- and Microcomposites. // Journal of applied polymer science. 128 (2013) , 5; 3099-3106.
Pustak, Anđela; Denac, Matjaž; Leskovac, Mirela; Švab, Iztok; Musil, Vojko; Šmit, Ivan.
Polypropylene/silica micro- and nanocomposites modified with poly(styrene-b-ethylene-co-butylene-b-styrene). // Journal of applied polymer science. 132 (2015) , 6; 41486-41498.
Pustak, Anđela; Denac, Matjaž; Leskovac, Mirela; Švab, Iztok; Musil, Vojko; Šmit, Ivan.
Structure and Morphology of Silica-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites modified with m-EPR Copolymers. // Journal of polymer research. 23 (2016) ; 37-1-37-12.
Pustak, Anđela; Denac, Matjaž; Sever Škapin, Andrijana; Švab, Iztok; Musil, Vojko; Šmit, Ivan.
Mechanical and rheological properties of silica-reinforced polypropylene/m-EPR blends. // Journal of Polymer Research. 23 (2016) , 8; 163:1-13.
Marić, Ivan; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša; Pustak, Anđela; Gotić, Marijan; Jurkin, Tanja
One-step synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide)/gold nanocomposite hydrogels and suspensions using gamma-irradiation // Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 170 (2020), 108657, 12 doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108657
Publications - journal articles
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Vinceković, Marko; Živković, Lana; Turkeyeva, Elmira; Mutaliyeva, Botagoz; Madybekova, Galiya; Šegota, Suzana; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša; Pustak, Anđela; Jurkin, Tanja; Kiš, Marta et al. | Development of Alginate Composite Microparticles for Encapsulation of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis // Gels, 10 (2024), 11; 752-786. doi: 10.3390/gels10110752
doiwww.mdpi.comwww.mdpi.com -
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Dražić, Goran ; Greneche, Jean-Marc ; Jurkin, Tanja | Magnetic δ-FeOOH/Au nanostructures synthesized using γ-irradiation method and their catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol // Applied surface science, 611 (2023), 155653, 18. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155653
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Marić, Ivan; Dražić, Goran; Radin, Edi; Peter, Robert; Škrabić, Marko; Jurkin, Tanja; Pustak, Anđela; Baran, Nikola; Mikac, Lara; Ivanda, Mile et al. | Impact of platinum loading and dispersion on the catalytic activity of Pt/SnO2 and Pt/α-Fe2O3 // Applied surface science, 607 (2023), 155073, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155073
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Radin, Edi ; Štefanić, Goran ; Dražić, Goran ; Marić, Ivan ; Jurkin, Tanja ; Pustak, Anđela ; Baran, Nikola ; Raić, Matea ; Gotić, Marijan | Solid-State Dispersions of Platinum in the SnO2 and Fe2O3 Nanomaterials // Nanomaterials, 11 (2021), 12; 3349, 16. doi: 10.3390/nano11123349
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Marić, Ivan ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Grenèche, Jean-Marc ; Dražić, Goran ; Jurkin, Tanja | Rheological, Microstructural and Thermal Properties of Magnetic Poly(Ethylene Oxide)/Iron Oxide Nanocomposite Hydrogels Synthesized Using a One-Step Gamma-Irradiation Method // Nanomaterials, 10 (2020), 9; 1823, 25. doi: 10.3390/nano10091823
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja | γ-irradiation generated ferrous ions affect the formation of magnetite and feroxyhyte // Radiation physics and chemistry (1993), 170 (2020), 108648, 8. doi: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108648
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Marić, Ivan ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | One-step synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide)/gold nanocomposite hydrogels and suspensions using gamma-irradiation // Radiation physics and chemistry (1993), 170 (2020), 108657, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108657
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Švab, Iztok ; Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Sever Škapin, Andrijana ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Polypropylene Blends with m-EPR Copolymers: Mechanical and Rheological Properties // Acta chimica slovenica, 65 (2018), 2; 344-353. doi: 10.17344/acsi.2017.4026
doijournals.matheo.sifulir.irb.hr -
Lučić Blagojević, Sanja ; Zeljko, Martina ; Pustak, Anđela | Utjecaj modifikacije višestjenih ugljikovih nanocjevčica na svojstva poliuretana: I. Morfologija i toplinska svojstva // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 66 (2017), 3-4; 119-128. doi: 10.15255/KUI.2016.044
doihrcak.srce.hrsilverstripe.fkit.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Pustak, Anđela ; Švab, Iztok ; Govorčin Bajsić, Emi ; Denac, Matjaž ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Polypropylene Blends with m-EPR Copolymers. Structure, Morphology and Thermal Properties // Polymer-plastics technology and engineering, 57 (2018), 3; 229-241. doi: 10.1080/03602559.2017.1320720
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Sever Škapin, Andrijana ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Mechanical and rheological properties of silica-reinforced polypropylene/m-EPR blends // Journal of polymer research, 23 (2016), 8; 163:1-13. doi: 10.1007/s10965-016-1062-x
doilink.springer.com -
Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Structure and Morphology of Silica-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites modified with m-EPR Copolymers // Journal of polymer research, 23 (2016), 37-1-37-12. doi: 10.1007/s10965-016-0927-3
doilink.springer.comlink.springer.com -
Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Švab, Iztok ; Vojko, Musil ; Šmit, Ivan | Morphology and mechanical properties of iPP/silica composites modified with (styrene-b-ethylene-co-butylene-b-styrene) grafted with maleic anhydride // Polymer-plastics technology and engineering, 54 (2015), 6; 647-660. doi: 10.1080/03602559.2014.979495
doiwww.tandfonline.comwww.tandfonline.com -
Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Polypropylene/silica micro- and nanocomposites modified with poly(styrene-b-ethylene-co-butylene-b-styrene) // Journal of applied polymer science, 132 (2015), 6; 41486-41498. doi: 10.1002/app.41486
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comonlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Pustak, Anđela ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Švab, Iztok ; Pohleven, Janez ; Makarovič, Matjaž ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Interfacial and mechanical properties of polypropylene/silica nano- and microcomposites // Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, 33 (2014), 9; 851-861. doi: 10.1177/0731684413518827
doijrp.sagepub.com -
Jurašin, Darija ; Vinceković, Marko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Bujan, Marija ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Lamellar to Hexagonal Columnar Liquid Crystalline Phase Transition in a Catanionic Surfactant Mixture : Dodecylammonium Chloride/Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate // Soft matter, 9 (2013), 12; 3349-3360. doi: 10.1039/C3SM27665A
doipubs.rsc.orgpubs.rsc.org -
Lučić Blagojević, Sanja ; Buhin, Zrinka ; Pustak, Anđela ; Lukić Kovačić, Ružica | Influence of Nanosilica on the Morphology and Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Elastomer // Journal of applied polymer science, 125 (2012), S1; E181-E190. doi: 10.1002/app.36290
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Pustak, Anđela ; Pucić, Irina ; Denac, Matjaž ; Švab, Iztok ; Pohleven, Janez ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Morphology of Polypropylene/Silica Nano- and Microcomposites // Journal of applied polymer science, 128 (2013), 5; 3099-3106. doi: 10.1002/app.38487
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Jurašin, Darija ; Pustak, Anđela ; Habuš, Ivan ; Šmit, Ivan ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Polymorphism and Mesomorphism of Oligomeric Surfactants: Effect of the Degree of Oligomerization // Langmuir, 27 (2011), 23; 14118-14130. doi: 10.1021/la203777c
doipubs.acs.orgpubs.acs.org -
Govorčin Bajsić, Emi ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Leskovac, Mirela | Blends of Thermoplastic Polyurethane and Polypropylene. II. Thermal and Morphological Behavior // Journal of applied polymer science, 117 (2010), 3; 1378-1384. doi: 10.1002/app.31997
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comonlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Vinceković, Marko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Liu, F. ; Ungar, Goran ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Bujan, Marija ; Šmit, Ivan ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Thermal and Structural Study of Mesomorphic Dodecylammonium Carrageenates // Journal of colloid and interface science, 341 (2010), 1; 117-123. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.09.021
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan | Wollastonite-reinforced polypropylene composites modified with novel metallocene EPR copolymers. II. Mechanical properties and adhesion // Polymer composites, 30 (2009), 8; 1091-1097. doi: 10.1002/pc.20660
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan | Wollastonite-reinforced polypropylene composites modified with novel metallocene EPR copolymers. I. Phase structure and morphology // Polymer composites, 30 (2009), 7; 1007-1015. doi: 10.1002/pc.20649
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Pustak, Anđela | Svojstva i primjena polimera u oblikovanju lijekova // Medicinski vjesnik (Osijek), 42 (2010), 3-4; 213-229
Šmit, Ivan ; Denac, Matjaž ; Švab, Iztok ; Radonjič, Gregor ; Musil, Vojko ; Jurkin, Tanja ; Pustak, Anđela | Structuring of polypropylene matrix in composites // Polimeri : časopis za plastiku i gumu, 30 (2009), 4; 183-192
Publications - conference proceedings
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Juričan, Nikolina; Maršavelski, Aleksandra; Pustak, Anđela | Thermal and structural characterization of selected biopolymers after irradiation // Solutions in Chemistry 2024: Book of Abstracts / Kassal, Petar; Meštrović, Ernest; Namjesnik, Danijel et al. (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2024. str. 72-72
solutionsinchemistry.hkd.hr Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Dražić, Goran ; Mikac, Lara ; Jurkin, Tanja | Catalytic and SERS activity of SPION/Ag and SPION/Au nanostructures synthesized using γ-irradiation // 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry - Book of abstracts. | Korzika, Francuska, 2023. str. 117-117
Marić, Ivan ; Zadro, Krešo ; Novosel Nikolina ; Gotić, Marijan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja | Static and dynamic magnetic properties of radiolytically synthesized maghemite-based ferrogels // 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry : Book of abstracts. | 2023. str. 95-95
Pustak, Anđela ; Marić, Ivan ; Mihaljević, Monika ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | Factors influencing one-step γ-irradiation synthesis of Ag and Au nanocomposite hydogels // 32nd Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry : Book of abstracts. | 2023. str. 76-76
Jurkin, Tanja; Marić, Ivan; Pustak, Anđela; Gotić, Marijan | Gamma-irradiation synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, gels and magnetic Au and Ag nanostructures // International Conference on Ionizing Processes (ICIP) Agenda and Abstracts. | Idaho Falls (ID), 2022. str. 1-1
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | A γ-irradiation method for the synthesis of iron oxide/Au nanostructures. | 2022. str. 1-1
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Zadro, Krešo ; Jurkin, Tanja | γ-irradiation synthesis of magnetic iron oxide and iron oxide nanostructures decorated with Au or Ag nanoparticles // EPDIC17 : Book of Abstracts. | 2022. str. 205-205
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Jurkin, Tanja | Synthesis of magnetic iron oxide/Au and iron oxide/Ag nanostructures using a simple γ-irradiation method // 5th International Conference on Applied Surface Science (ICASS2022) : Abstract Book. | Palma de Mallorca: Elsevier, 2022. str. P226-P226
virtual.oxfordabstracts.com -
Radin, Edi ; Dražić, Goran ; Štefanić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Raić, Matea ; Baran, Nikola ; Gotić, Marijan | Solid state dispersions of platinum in the SnO2 nanomaterials // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 377-377
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Radin, Edi ; Dražić, Goran ; Štefanić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Raić, Matea ; Baran, Nikola ; Gotić, Marijan | Mechanochemical synthesis and characterisation of Pt-Fe2O3 nanomaterials // 27HSKIKI - 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers - Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 378-378
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Jurkin, Tanja | Synthesis of magnetic iron oxide/Au nanostructures using the γ-irradiation method // The Miller Online Workshop on Radiation Chemistry : Programme and Book of Abstracts. | 2022. str. 29-29
miller-workshop.sciencesconf.org -
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | A gamma irradiation method for the synthesis of iron oxide/gold nanostructures // 27HSKIKI : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 209-209
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Grenèche, Jean-Marc ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja | γ-Irradiation Synthesis and Characterization of Iron Oxide Nanomaterials // MMM2020 Virtual Conference - 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials- Abstracts. | American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2020. str. 162-163
magnetism.org -
Marić, Ivan ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Dražić, Goran ; Grenѐche, Jean-Marc ; Jurkin, Tanja | Rheological, Microstructural And Thermal Properties Of Magnetic Poly(Ethylene Oxide)/Iron Oxide Nanocomposite Hydrogels Synthesized Using One-Step Gamma-Irradiation Method // NUTECH-2020 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies Conference Abstracts & Programme. | Varšava: Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, 2020. str. 112-112
nutech2020.pl -
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Dražić, Goran ; Štefanić, Goran ; Zadro, Krešo ; Jurkin, Tanja | A controllable method for the synthesis of magnetic iron oxide and iron oxide/Au nanostructures using γ-irradiation // NUTECH-2020 International Conference on Development and Applications of Nuclear Technologies Conference Abstracts & Programme. | Varšava: Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej, 2020. str. 113-113
nutech2020.pl -
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Štefanić, Goran ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | The effect of polymers on the radiolytic synthesis of magnetic materials // Knjiga sažetaka Simpozija studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2020. str. 123-123
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | Quantitative determination of Fe(II) in radiolytically synthesized magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles // 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts. | Siófok, 2019. str. P27-P27
www.tihany.kfki.hu -
Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan | One-step synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide)/gold nanocomposite hydrogels and suspensions using gamma-irradiation // 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts. | Siófok, 2019. str. P25-P25
www.tihany.kfki.hu -
Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Gotić, Marijan ; Jurkin, Tanja | Thermal, magnetic and rheological properties of poly(ethylene oxide)/iron oxide nanocomposite hydrogels synthesized using one-step gamma-irradiation technique // 14th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts. | Siófok, 2019. str. P26-P26
www.tihany.kfki.hu -
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja | γ‐irradiation synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and their ability to decolorize methylene blue organic dye // Knjiga sažetaka - 26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera= Book of Abstracts of the 26th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers. | Šibenik : Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2019. str. 205-205
www.hdki.hrwww.hdki.hr -
Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Leskovac, Mirela ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | Morphology, interfacial and mechanical properties study of silica reinforced iPP/SEBS(-g-MA) composites // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2017. str. 225-225
drive.google.comwww.hdki.hr -
Pustak, Anđela ; Denac, Matjaž ; Pucić, Irina ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Šmit, Ivan | The morphology and mechanical properties of iPP/SiO2 composites modified with metallocene propylene-based copolymers // 24. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera: knjiga sažetaka / Ukić, Šime; Bolanča, Tomislav (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2015. str. 221-222
www.hdki.hr Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Pucić, Irina ; Denac, Matjaž ; Švab, Iztok ; Pohleven, Janez ; Musil, Vojko | PHASE STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF POLYPROPYLENE COMPOSITES WITH VARIOUS SILICA // Zbornik Povzetkov referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2011. | Maribor: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2011. str. 142-142
Pustak, Anđela ; Švab, Iztok ; Denac, Matjaž ; Pohleven, Janez ; Musil, Vojko ; Makarovič Matjaž ; Šmit, Ivan | Comparison of the effects of sillica and wollastonite fillers in binary polypropylene composites // EPF 2009 Book of abstracts. | Graz: European Polymer Federation, 2009. str. 136-136
Anđela, Pustak ; Ivan, Šmit ; Iztok, Švab ; Matjaž, Denac ; Vojko, Musil | Phase morphology comparison of polypropylene blends with different elastomers // Supplement to the Book of Abstracts. | Krakov: DEKA Printing Office, Krakow, 2008. str. N2-N2
Vinceković, Marko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Ungar, Goran ; Bujan, Marija ; Šmit, Ivan ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Structural and Thermal Behavior of Biopolymer/Surfactant Complexes // Book of Abstracts. | Krakov: DEKA Printing Office, 2008. str. 408-408
Jurašin, Darija ; Pustak, Anđela ; Habuš, Ivan ; Šmit, Ivan ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Thermal Phase Transitions of Cationic Oligomeric Surfactants // Book of Abstracts. | Krakov: DEKA Printing Office, 2008. str. 305-305
Anđela Pustak ; Ivan Šmit ; Iztok Švab ; Vojko Musil | Utjecaj različitih vrsta silike na svojstva polipropilenskih kompozita // Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog mikroskopijskog društva. | Zagreb, 2007
Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan | Modification of polypropylene/wollastonite composites by novel metallocene elastomers // Functional Fillers for Advanced Applications: Abstracts. | 2007. str. 1-2-x
Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan | Polypropylene blends with novel metallocene propylene copolymers // European Polymer Congress 2007, Programme and Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Chemical Society, 2007. str. 235-x
Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko | Silica-reinforced polypropylene composites // European Polymer Congress 2007, Programme and Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Chemical Society, 2007. str. 235-x
Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko | Utjecaj različitih vrsta silike na svojstva polipropilenskih kompozita // XX. Jubilarni hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera – knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2007. str. 144-144
Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko ; Pustak, Anđela ; Ivan, Šmit | Struktura izotaktičnega polipropilena v kompozitih z wollastonitom // Zbornik povzetkov referatov s posvetovanja. | Maribor: Slovensko kemijsko društvo, 2006. str. 49-49-x
Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Švab, Iztok ; Musil, Vojko | Influence of filler properties on polypropylene/silica composites behavior // Book of Abstracts. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 2006. str. 228-228-x
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Lučić Blagojević, Sanja ; Stančić, Nina ; Šantolić, Mario ; Pustak, Anđela | Utjecaj višestijenih ugljikovih nanocjevčica na mehanička i električna svojstva polietilena // V. hrvatski simpozij o kemiji o kemiji i tehnologiji makromolekula, Zbornik radova. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2016. str. 30-42
www.hdki.hr Pohleven, Janez ; Denac, Matjaž ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Švab, Iztok ; Makarovič Matjaž | Nanocomposites based on isotactic polypropylene, silica and maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene // Zbornik povzetkov referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2008. | Maribor: Fakultet za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Mariboru, 2008. str. 90-90
Pohleven, Janez ; Musil, Vojko ; Denac, Matjaž ; Pustak, Anđela ; Šmit, Ivan ; Švab, Iztok | Study of the mechanical properties and morphology of iPP/SiO2/PP-g-MA nanocomposites // Achieving Commodity & Service Exellence in the Age of Digital Convergence, Proceedings Volume 2. | Suwon: Korean Academy of Commodity Science & Technology, 2008. str. 718-723
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Jurkin, Tanja; Marić, Ivan; Mikac, Lara; Dražić, Goran; Pustak, Anđela; Gotić, Marijan | Gamma Irradiation as an efficient technique for the synthesis of magnetic nanostructures // 15th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry | Eger, Mađarska, 23.08.2024-28.08.2024
tihany.ek-cer.hu Jurkin, Tanja ; Marić, Ivan ; Pustak, Anđela ; Gotić, Marijan | Gamma-radiolytic synthesis of different nanomaterials with potential biomedical applications // IAEA Technical Meeting on Biomaterial for Sustainable Development (EVT2104094) | Beč, Austrija, 29.08.2022-02.09.2022
Marić, Ivan; Pustak, Anđela; Gotić, Marijan; Jurkin, Tanja | Experimental factors that may influence the γ-irradiation synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanomaterials // 2nd International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology | Beč, Austrija, 22.08.2022-26.08.2022
Marić, Ivan; Pustak, Anđela; Gotić, Marijan; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Zadro, Krešo; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša; Jurkin, Tanja | Magnetic and rheological properties of poly(ethylene oxide)/iron oxide nanocomposite hydrogels synthesized using a one-step γ- radiolytic method // 2nd International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology | Beč, Austrija, 22.08.2022-26.08.2022
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Greneche, Jean-Marc ; Zadro, Krešo ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja | Magnetic properties of radiolytically synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles // ACS Fall Meeting 2021: Mössbauer Spectroscopy from Magnetic Nanoarchitectures to Environmental Science: A Symposium in Honor of Dr. Jean-Marc Greneche: | Atlanta (GA), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 22.08.2021-26.08.2021
Marić, Ivan ; Gotić, Marijan ; Štefanić, Goran ; Dražić, Goran ; Pustak, Anđela ; Jurkin, Tanja | γ-irradiation synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in the presence of different dextran polymers // International Meeting on Radiation Processing 2019 | Strasbourg, Francuska, 01.04.2019-04.04.2019
Publications - Graded papers
Doktorska disertacija
Pustak, Anđela | Odnosi strukture i svojstava polipropilena modificiranog silikama i elastomerima / Šmit, Ivan (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2010
Sveučilišni preddiplomski završni rad
Artuković, Viktor | Optimizacija pripreme i karakterizacija poroznog PLA / Vidović, Elvira; Pustak, Anđela (mentor); Špoljarić, Andrea (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2024
Membership in professional associations / societies
Croatian Chemical Society
Croatian Microscopy Society
Croatian Radiation Protection Association