Honoring 60 years of the Laboratory for Magnetic Resonances

Prof. Marina Ilakovac Kveder, dr. Vladislav Kataev, dr. Dijana Žilić and dr. David M. Smith.
06.06.2023. we celebrated 60 years of the Laboratory for Magnetic Resonances. Our dear guests: dr. Kataev (Leibniz IFW-Dresden), prof. Arčon (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana), prof. Požek (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science) and prof. Bešić (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry) together with LMR members (prof. Ilakovac Kveder, prof. Valić, dr. Merunka and dr. Žilić) gave lectures at the mini-conference "EPR Day". Director General of RBI, dr. David Smith welcomed our guests and friends.