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Raman spectrometer integrated with atomic force microscope

Raman-AFM (Raman spectrometer integrated with atomic force microscope) is an instrument allowing simultaneous acquisition of Raman spectra and atomic force microscope images of molecular/atomic structureson the surface, as well as measuring forces between them and the probe tip. Besides contact and intermittent mode, it can measure photocurrent and perform Kelvin probe measurements. Next to semiconductors and organic solid state samples, it is especially useful in studying coatings nad solar cell materials, and nanostructures in general. Expected applications are in phyrmaceutics, microplastics detection, and characterization of advanced materials. This is the only instrument in Croatia of this kind.

General instrument information

Short name
Inventory number
kapitalna (> 132.722,81 EUR / 1.000.000 HRK)
Instrument type
mikroskop , spektrometar
Analysis type
analiza voda , eksperimentalna analiza , električna karakterizacija , filtracija , karakterizacija tankih filmova , mikroskopska analiza , mineraloška analiza , mjerenje veličine čestica , površinska analiza
građevinarstvo , karakterizacija mehaničkih i elastičnih svojstava materijala , mineralogija , mjerenje fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava vode , određivanje strukture i/ili faznog sastava , analiza uzoraka
Standalone or bound
Equipment condition
potpuno funkcionalan
atomska i molekulska fizika te optika , fizika kondenzirane tvari , biofizika i medicinska fizika , mineralogija i petrologija , analitička kemija , fizikalna kemija , primijenjena kemija , organska kemija , znanost o okolišu , farmacija , farmakologija
Year of manufacture
Acquisition date
Financing body
Europska komisija
External link


alpha 300 RA
Operating and measuring scope
530 nm - 1100 nm spectral interval of Raman spectrometer, AFM stage has working area 100 microns x 100 microns, 20 microns in z direction
Detailed technical characteristics
Raman spectrometer has three gratings with 300, 600 and 1800 grooves per mm, two lasera: 532 i 785 nm, objectives 10x, 50x and 100x; ANDOR CCD low dark-current CCD thermoelectrically cooled to -60 C; AFM with piezo stage having resolution 0.3 nm in x-y and 0.2 nm in z direction, contact mode, intermittent mode, current to voltage amplifier FEMTO DLPCA-200 for measurements of photoconductivity and Kelvin probe measurements.
Purchase price
365000 EUR
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