Dr. Branka Bilić
PhD in natural sciences, field: chemistry, branch: physical chemistry
Publications - journal articles
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Dragun, Zrinka; Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Iron-binding biomolecules in the soluble hepatic fraction of the northern pike (Esox lucius): two-dimensional chromatographic separation with mass spectrometry detection // Analytical & bioanalytical chemistry, 416 (2024), 5097-5109. doi: 10.1007/s00216-024-05446-y
doilink.springer.com -
Topić Popović, Natalija ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Bilić, Branka ; Babić, Sanja ; Bojanić, Krunoslav ; Bujak, Maro ; Tartaro Bujak, Ivana ; Jadan, Margita ; Strunjak-Perović, Ivančica ; Kepec, Slavko et al. | Shewanella spp. from wastewater treatment plant‑afected environment: isolation and characterization // Environmental science and pollution research, 29 (2022), 55; 82986-83003. doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-21573-4
doidoi.orglink.springer.com -
Kazazić, Snježana ; Gajdoš-Kljusurić, Jasenka ; Radeljević, Biljana ; Plavljanić, Dijana ; Špoljarić, Jasminka ; Ljubić, Tihana ; Bilić, Branka ; Mikulec, Nataša | Comparison of GC and NIR spectra as a rapid tool for food fraud detection: Case of butter adulteration with different fat types // Journal of food processing and preservation, 45 (2021), 9; e15732, 12. doi: 10.1111/jfpp.15732
doiifst.onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Mirosavljević, Krunoslav ; Bilić, Branka ; Benković-Lačić, Teuta | Total antioxidant activity of selected grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy // International journal of food, agriculture and environment, 13 (2015), 3-4; 7-10
world-food.netfulir.irb.hr -
Mirosavljević, Krunoslav ; Bilić, Branka ; Benković-Lačić, Teuta | Antioxidant activity of selected apple cultivars studied by electron paramagnetic resonance // Acta biologica cracoviensia series botanica, 57 (2015), 1; 125-129. doi: 10.1515/abcsb-2015-0001
doiwww2.ib.uj.edu.plwww.degruyter.com -
Siracusa, Laura ; Kulišić-Bilušić, Tea ; Politeo, Olivera ; Krause, Ingolf ; Dejanović, Branka ; Ruberto, Giuseppe | Phenolic composition and antioxidant acivity of aqueous infusions from Capparis spinosa L. and Crithmum maritimum L. before and the after submission to a two-step in vitro digestion model // Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 59 (2011), 23; 12453-12459. doi: 10.1021/jf203096q
doipubs.acs.org -
Dejanović, Branka ; Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Šentjurc, Marjeta ; Walde, Peter | On the surface properties of oleate micelles and oleic acid/oleate vesicles studied by spin labeling // Chemistry and physics of lipids, 164 (2011), 1; 83-88. doi: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2010.11.002
doiwww.sciencedirect.comwww.sciencedirect.com -
Kulišić-Bilušić, Tea ; Blažević, Ivica ; Dejanović, Branka ; Miloš, Mladen ; Pifat, Greta | Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of essential oils from caper (Capparis spinosa) and sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum) by different methods // Journal of food biochemistry, 34 (2010), S1; 286-302. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4514.2009.00330.x
doiwww3.interscience.wiley.comonlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Dejanović, Branka ; Mirosavljević, Krunoslav ; Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Pečar, Slavko ; Šentjurc, Marjeta ; Walde, Peter | An ESR characterization of micelles and vesicles formed in aqueous decanoic acid/sodium decanoate systems using different spin labels // Chemistry and physics of lipids, 156 (2008), 1-2; 17-25. doi: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2008.08.003
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Kulišić-Bilušić, Tea ; Schnäbele, Kerstin ; Schmöller, Ingrid ; Dragović-Uzelac, Verica ; Kriško, Anita ; Dejanović, Branka ; Miloš, Mladen ; Pifat, Greta | Antioxidant activity versus cytotoxic and NF-κ B regulatory activities on HT-29 cells by natural fruit juices // European food research and technology, 228 (2009), 3; 417-424. doi: 10.1007/s00217-008-0948-1
doidoi.orgwww.springerlink.com -
Kulišić-Bilušić, Tea ; Katalinić, Višnja ; Dragović-Uzelac, Verica ; Ljubenkov, Ivica ; Kriško, Anita ; Dejanović, Branka ; Jukić, Mila ; Politeo, Olivera ; Pifat, Greta ; Miloš, Mladen | Antioxidant and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibiting Activity of Several Aqueous Tea Infusions in vitro // Food technology and biotechnology, 46 (2008), 4; 368-375
Publications - conference proceedings
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana; Ivanković, Dušica | Analysis of cytosolic iron-binding biomolecules from digestive glands of freshwater mussels by multidimensional HPLC-ICP-MS and mass spectrometry // Book of Abstracts - 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences / Coman, Virginia (ur.). | Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2023. str. 179-179
Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Dragun, Zrinka; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Analysis of Cd, Cu, and Zn-binding cytosolic biomolecules in the digestive gland of the freshwater mussel Unio crassus using size-exclusion and anion-exchange chromatography and mass spectrometry // Book of Abstracts - 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences / Coman, Virginia (ur.). | Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2023. str. 195-195
Dragun, Zrinka; Kiralj, Zoran; Ivanković, Dušica; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Two-dimensional chromatographic separation supplemented by mass spectrometry analysis of Cu- and Zn-binding cytosolic biomolecules from the liver of the northern pike (Esox lucius) // Book of Abstracts - 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences / Coman, Virginia (ur.). | Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2023. str. 194-194
Lozica, Liča ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Bilić, Branka ; Gottstein, Željko | Biofilm-forming ability, antimicrobial susceptibility and proteomic phenotypes of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated on a turkey farm // 26th World's Poultry Congress : Book of Abstracts. | Pariz: French Branch of the World's Poultry Science Association, 2022. str. 432-432
Vinceković, Marko ; Bujan, Marija ; Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Dejanović, Branka ; Pečar, Slavko ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Interactions in Biopolymer/Surfactant Mixtures // COST D27 action prebiotic chemistry and early evolution : final evoluatin workshop : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 51-51
Dejanović, Branka ; Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Mirosavljević, Krunoslav ; Vinceković, Marko ; Filipović-Vinceković, Nada | Effect of preformed egg-phosphatidylcholine vesicles on spontaneous vesiculation of oleate micelles // COST D27 action prebiotic chemistry and early evolution : book of abstracts : final evoluatin workshop. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2007. str. 38-38
Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Dejanović, Branka ; Mirosavljević, Krunoslav ; Pečar, Slavko ; Šentjurc, Marjeta ; Walde, Peter | Biophysical studies of fatty acid vesicles as protocell models // Abstracts of COST D27 Chembiogenesis 2006. | 2006. str. 18-x
Dejanović, Branka ; Noethig-Laslo, Vesna ; Pečar, Slavko | Micelles to Vesicles Transformationa of Decanoates Studied by Spin-labelling Method // Preparation and properties of functionalized vesicles as protocell models : abstracts. | 2005
Kratko priopćenje
Topić Popović, Natalija ; Kazazić, Snježana ; Bilić, Branka ; Strunjak-Perović, Ivančica ; Čož-Rakovac Rozelinda | identification of Shewanella baltica isolated from fish affected by the wastewater treatment plant // Aquaculture Europe 2021 – oceans of opportunity : abstracts. | European aquaculture society, 2021. str. 1287-1288
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Kiralj, Zoran; Dragun, Zrinka; Ivanković, Dušica; Bilić, Branka; Kazazić, Saša; Kazazić, Snježana | Mass spectrometry analysis of Fe-binding cytosolic biomolecules from the liver of the northern pike (Esox lucius) after two-dimensional chromatographic separation // 15th Mass Spectrometry School in Biotechnology and Medicine | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 02.07.2023-08.07.2023
Publications - Graded papers
Diplomski rad
Dejanović, Branka | Hidrofobnost klorfenola u vodenim otopinama različitih pH vrijednosti / Drevenkar, Vlasta (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2000
Doktorska disertacija
Dejanović, Branka | Strukturna i dinamička svojstva supramolekularnih sustava dekanoata i oleata - primjena EPR spektroskopije / Noethig-Laslo, Vesna (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Other Publications
Klasinc, Leo ; Cvitaš, Tomislav ; Herjavić, Glenda ; Dejanović, Branka ; Potočić, Nenad ; Seletković, Ivan ; Muharemović, Hasan | Izloženost šuma u Parku prirode Medvednica utjecajima atmosferskih onečišćenja // Stručno izvješće po ugovoru o izvođenju projekta istraživanja: Izloženost šuma u Parku prirode Medvednica utjecajima atmosferskih onečišćenja, 2009