Facility equipment and experimental end stations

RBI accelerator facility consists of two accelerators, 1.0 and 6.0 MV electrostatic tandem accelerators (6.0 MV HVEC EN Tandem Van de Graaff and 1.0 MV HVE Tandetron) as well as 9 beam lines. Two of the beam lines can accept simultaneously ion beams from both accelerators. Each accelerator is equipped with two negative ion sources. The EN Tandem with RF source using charge exchange for He ions and sputtering ion source for variety of ion species (H, Li, B, C, O, Si, Cl, Cu, Au, etc.). The smaller machine, 1 MV Tandetron, is equipped with a duoplasmatron ion source with charge exchange for He ions and sputtering ion source that can deliver a variety of ion beams from protons to very heavy ions.
Information about experimental lines:
- RBS/PIXE station
- Ion microprobe
- TOF-ERDA station
- DiFu station (Dual ion beam end station for fusion materials research)
- Ion beam channeling station
- In-air station
- Dual Microprobe
- Capillary MeV ToF-SIMS station