Lecture by the Distinguished Scientist Prof. Jadran Lenarčič, Ph.D.
As part of the series Distinguished Scientists at the RBI, Prof. Jadran Lenarčič, Ph.D., (Jožef Štefan Institute, Slovenia) will deliver a lecture entitled The Jožef Stefan Institute—Between Science and Technology, on Wednesday, February 22, 2012, beginning at 12 noon in the auditorium of Wing III.
Prof. Jadran Lenarčič was born in 1955 in Kopar, where he completed elementary and secondary schools. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, he earned a B.S. in 1979, M.S. in 1981 and doctorate in 1986. In 1979, he began working at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, where he was appointed Director of the Institute in 2005. He is a Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, and also teachers at the University of Nova Gorica, the Jožef Stefan International Graduate School and the University of Bologna. He is a Full Member and the President of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering, Corresponding Member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna and a Member of the Union of Slovene Fine Arts Associations. He has initiated and chaired a series of international symposia entitled Advances in Robot Kinematics, held every two years in different countries of the world, at which numerous discoveries in the field of robotic kinematics have been presented for the first time.
Dr. Lenarčič’s primary areas of research interest are robotics, particularly robotic kinematics, biorobotics and humanoid robotics. Among his most significant scientific contributions are new methods for modeling and simulating robotic kinematics and dynamic spatial mechanisms, as well as the introduction of new mathematical criteria for the evaluation and optimization of upper extremity movements in humans with mathematic models. He is a member of the editorial boards of a number of international journals, has edited nine books on achievements in robotic kinematics and contributed to several international encyclopedias. He is also a Member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, the Executive Board of the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations (EARTO), and a Member of the Boards of the European Robotics Network (EURON) and the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (EuroCase).