Centre for informatics and computing Interactive Workshop - Introduction to cloud computing (and its application in bioinformatics)

When? Monday, June 6, 2016. - 9AM to 12PM
Where? RBI, Library, 5th wing (computer classroom)
For whom? Scientists who regularly use compute and data intensive applications and algorithms; researchers who develop their own applications and require significant computing resources; all researchers interested in what Cloud is, how it can be used and how Cloud can help them in their research.
Workshop description
Through this interactive workshop participants will get to know the basics of cloud computing and, through several hands-on exercises, learn how to easily and quickly obtain necessary compute and storage resources from a number of cloud providers. Further, the participants will learn how to modify available resources to meet their computational research needs as well as how to preserve those changes for future uses. As an example of an application that has been successfully used in the cloud context, we will present and use the Galaxy analysis system (usegalaxy.org) for a sample analysis of biological data.
By attending this workshop, the attendees will get an opportunity to answer the following questions:
- What is a computational cloud?
- How and where to use the cloud?
- What cloud infrastructures exist in the world and in Croatia?
- How to launch and configure a personal virtual machine using the Amazon cloud.
- How to re-launch, share, and extend the personal machine without the need for repeat configuration?
- How is the cloud used in practice? An example: bioinformatics data analysis using the Amazon cloud and Galaxy application.
09:00 - 09:30 Introduction to Cloud computing
09:30 - 10:15 Starting your own virtual machine (Amazon AWS)
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 11:15 Virtual machine configuration
11:15 - 12:00 Example: Galaxy application - analysis of bioinformatic data
dr. sc. Enis Afgan1,2, dr. sc. Davor Davidović1
1Ruđer Bošković Institute, Centre for informatics and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia
2Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
For registration please go to http://cirradionica.eventbrite.com