Finished projects
HRZZ project: "Hi-REXS (High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy with Focused Ion Beams)"
IAEA CRP: "Enhancing Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Meet the Needs of Forensic Science"
Horizon 2020 project: "AIDA-2020 (Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators)"
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme Grant Agreement No. 654168
Horizon2020 project RADIATE - Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe
Besides further developing ion beam technology and strengthening the cooperation between European ion beam infrastructures, RADIATE is committed to providing easy, flexible and efficient access for researchers from academia and industry to the participating ion beam facilities. About 15.800 hours of transnational access in total is going to be offered free of charge to users who successfully underwent the RADIATE proposal procedure.
COST Action: "MULTI-FORESEE (MULTi-modal imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence)"
COST Action CA16101
HRZZ project: "BioCapSIMS"
Full title: "Development of the capillary microprobe for analysis of biological samples"
HRZZ Istraživački projekt IP-2016-06-1698
HRZZ project: "MIOBICC (MeV Ion Beam Induced Changes in Crystaline Materials)
HRZZ Istraživački projekt IP-2013-11-8127
FP7 project: "SPRITE (Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internship in industry and Training Excellence)"
FP7 Call FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN
UKF project: “Study of modern paint materials and their stability using MeV SIMS and other analytical techniques”
Unity through Knowledge Fund project funded within the "Research Cooperability Program 1B Crossing Border" grant
IAEA project: "Measurements of Proton Induced γ-Ray Emission (PIGE) differential cross sections for selected light elements"
IAEA CRP: "F41028 - Development of a Reference Database for Particle-Induced Gamma-ray Emission (PIGE) Spectroscopy"