INTERREG ADRION BIO-ECOnomy Research Driven Innovation (BIO ECO R.D.I.)
Principal investigator
The ADRION region has relevant unexploited potential of biomass from agricultural, fisheries and forestry waste and residues. The enterprises operating in such sectors are suffering serious delays in the green reconversion, multi-functioning, technology innovation, cross-sectoral integration. In this perspective, BIO-Economy represent a common smart specialization priority. BIOECO-RDI aims at developing a Regional Innovation System for the Adriatic-Ionian area based on a structured bio-economy sector though the development of Research Driven Innovation (R.D.I.) strategy at regional and transnational level. BIOECO-RDI will improve the situation: - creating a collaborative network among Adrion regions, enterprises and academia for collaborative research, knowledge transfer and skills development - supporting the enterprise and cluster in the transition process toward an industrial model with higher level of innovation and international collaboration - boosting the integration between Green- chemistry and Agri-food cluster according with a circular economy approach - creating an Adriatic-Ionian bio-based product market - bridging the gap among the existing wide regional disparities - activating a mutual learning process among regions with different levels of R.D.I. and bioeconomy business maturity Project main outputs are: -BIOECO-RDI regional and international strategies supporting regions in increasing bioeconomy RDI level and cluster maturity Thanks to the full implementation of those outputs, it will be possible to integrate in a unique and consistent process, regions living different steps in the process of creation of regional bio-economy. This process guarantees to the enterprises of the ADRION area to operate in a more advanced and integrated market, and to regional and national policy makers the needed support to develop effective policies based on circular economy approach.