Laboratory for aquaculture biotechnology
Laboratory for aquaculture biotechnology (LAB) conducts research on interaction of aquaculture effects and environment from chemical and biological standpoints, as well as on physiological and molecular properties of aquatic organisms (fish, shellfish, crustaceans, algae) with a view to enhance the farming technology, introduce novel species in aquaculture and investigate ecological approaches to aquaculture biotechnology.

Scientific activities of LAB are conducted within several research topics:
a) Diagnostics
• Development, enhancement and adaptation of new diagnostic methods/techniques for estimation and detection of physiological/metabolic reactions
• Development and estimation of biological stress indicators for existing and newly introduced cultured species
• Development of biological markers for detection of ecosystem disballance on various levels of biological organization
b) Immunomodulators
• Evaluation of immunomodulator effects on immune system (defense mechanisms and reactions) of aquatic organisms, and development of novel immunomodulating bioactive components for aquaculture use
c) Novel aquaculture species
• Introduction of novel aquaculture species
• Introduction, development and harmonization of –omics-based methods for the purpose of better understanding of physiological processes of novel species in farming conditions, adaptation of existing technologies to novel species, and enhancement of quality and health of macrobiota
Biotechnology approach and application of biochemical (colorimetry, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography) histological/histochemical, microbiological, molecular, electrochemical methods and techniques along with numerical modelling and innovative technologies of culture, contributing significantly to better understanding od:
a) Microbiological research
• Molecular investigation of aquatic ecosystem microbiome for characterization of microorganisms in the environment
b) Toxicity studies
• Estimation of potential toxicity of natural compounds by several biotests for testing the effects on various levels of biological organization (bacterial strains, aquatic and terrestrial species as model organisms for estimation of bioactive compounds)
• Enhancement of existing and development of novel biomarkers for testing a wide spectrum of potential toxic compounds
c) Antioxidant characterization
• Development and validation of a straight-forward, rapid, reliable and sensitive electrochemical method for evaluation of total antioxidative capacity, suitable for routine analyses of food on laboratory and industrial scale
• Evaluation of mechanisms of electrochemical and antioxidative effects of antioxidative compounds
d) Aquatic ecosystem modelling
• Analysis of physical properties of the seas and formations of aquatic masses, as well as heat exchanges between the sea and air
• Analysis and modelling of physical processes of the seas