Horizon 2020 projects of CIR presented at „Digital Infrastructures for Research“ in Krakow

Europe's leading e-infrastructures, EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe, organized the Digital Infrastructures for Research event (28-30 September 2016). The event was organized with the aim to gather researchers, developers and service providers to discuss the adoption of digital infrastructure services and promote user-driven innovations.
In the session dedicated to research community challenges, dr. Davor Davidović gave a presentation about “EGI-FedCloud in Digital Humanities“. The presentation was focused on presenting the current challanges within the art&humanities community, as well as the work done within H2020 projects EGI-Engage and INDIGO-DataCloud. Futhermore, dr. Davor Davidović and Eva Cetinić presented their work done within the INDIGO-dataCloud project with a poster titled „DARIAH meets INDIGO-DataCloud: Developing a Repository Platform for Digital Arts and Humanities Data“