TETRAMAX - Technology Transfer via Multinational Application Experiments and "HeartStep" experiment
TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action and provides an implementation of the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for cyber physical systems and the internet of things. The total budget of the TETRAMAX project is 7M€ and is coordinated by RWTH Aachen University, with 23 partners, covering almost all EU countries.
New experiment ‘HeartStep’ funded by TETRAMAX first call for bilateral TTX
‘HeartStep’ received financial support of €42.005. HeartStep is a TTX between Ruđer Bošković Institute, a Croatian research institute and SAVING trgovina in storitve d.o.o a company in Slovenia.
Together they are working on the improvement of a smart body gadget monitoring the heart, which saves time in the diagnosis of heart patients and is already used in many clinics in Slovenia and the rest of the EU.
Other experiments financially supported by this first call for bilateral TTX are:
TEBIX: Tetramax Emergency Beacon Integration eXperiment DPUsim: Simulation Environment for an In‐DRAM Processing Unit EVErMORE: Energy‐efficient Variation awarE MulticORE TETRaWIN: TEchnology Transfer of computational Wirelessly‐powered IoT Nodes Carrots: Cooperative ARchitecture for gaRdening with Open moniToring Systems