Laboratory for ion beam interactions
LIBI group performs basic and interdisciplinary research concerning interactions of ion beams with matter, and develops methods to characterize and modify properties of matter, with emphasis on nanostructure research. Part of the activities are connected to applications of analysis methods in biomedicine, environment as well as on research of cultural heritage objects.
List of available ion beam techniques, categorized per experimental end-stations: PIXE/RBS station: ToF-ERDA station: Ion beam channelling station: In-air station: Capillary station: DiFU station (Dual beam irradiation for FUsion materials): Ion microprobe station:
Since 2011, as part of the FP7 SPIRIT project, the experimental lines of the RBI accelerator facility have been available to scientists from EU and associated countries through the "transnational access" (TNA) scheme.
Accelerator facility and the earthquakeOn the link above you can find information about the effect of the earthquake that hit Zagreb on the 22nd of March 2020, on the RBI accelerator facility. |