Academy of Arts and Sciences awarded professor Joseph Schlessinger
The Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences awarded professor Joseph Schlessinger, the William H. Prusoff Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology at Yale University School of Medicine and a member of the RBI International Scientific Council, with the Medal of the Order of ‘Danica Hrvatska’ for his outstanding contribution to Croatian biomedical sciences as well as promotion of Croatia in the international scientific community. On behalf of the Croatian President Mr. Stjepan Mesić, the State Secretary for Science and Higher Education Prof. Drazen Vikić Topić, PhD, presented the medal to professor Schelssinger at yesterday`s ceremony held in the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences.
10th International Summer School on Biophysics to be held in Rovinj
The 10th International Summer School on Biophysics 'Supramolecular Structure and Function' (ISSB’09) to be held in Rovinj, Croatia from 19 September - 1 October 2009 is organised by the Ruđer Bošković Institute and the Croatian Biophysical Society, supported by UNESCO, the Ministry of science education and sports of the Republic of Croatia, IUPAB, EBSA, and the Adris Group Foundation (Croatia), with a view to contribute to the strengthening of scientific co-operation among scientists from South Eastern Europe.
'Helping to rebuild Croatia'
"Most of the threats and dangers facing the contemporary world can be neither prevented nor reduced by military power and deterrence. The 21st century demands a knowledge-based society," said professor Šlaus to his collegue Paul Guinnessy for the prestigious journal Physics Today.
10th Terry Fox Run in Zagreb
The traditional 10th Terry Fox Run will be held on 20 September at Zagreb’s Lake Jarun. This year`s event is jointly organized by the MPG Agency and the Embassy of Canada to Croatia in cooperation with the Croatian League Against Cancer, Zagreb Holding and the Regent Esplanade Zagreb hotel.
Prof. Greta Pifat Mrzljak presented with the Emily M. Gray Award
American Biophysical Society has awarded Professor Greta Pifat Mrzljak, PhD, with the Emily M. Gray Award for her outstanding record of accomplishments and leadership of the triennial international summer schools and textbooks on Supramolecular Structure and Function. This is the first time ever that Biophysical Society has presented this award to a non US laureate, which is a remarkable recognition for Croatia and the Ruđer Bošković Institute as well.
The 5th SEEGRID - SCI PSC Meeting in Dubrovnik
The 5th SEE-GRID - SCI PSC Meeting on Grid computing and Virtual organizations will be held on September 8 – 12, 2009 in Dubrovnik. The Meeting is organized by the Centre for Informatics and Computing from the Ruđer Bošković Institute. The aim of this PSC Meeting is to analyze the project results, present the results of the established infrastructure and developed applications as well as to introduce the participants with the work of Virtual organizations (VO) for meteorology, seismology and environmental protection.
Croatia to Host ICAME 2013
At the recently held International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2009) in Vienna, Croatia was chosen to host the ICAM 2013 conference by secret ballot of 33 members of the International Board for the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (IBAME). Croatia was nominated by the RBI scientists Svetozar Musić, PhD, Mira Ristić, PhD, and Stjepko Krehula, PhD, and chosen through a competitive process between Russia, Poland, Hungary and Brazil with the majority of 25 votes. The establishment in charge of the 2013 Conference will be the Ruđer Bošković Institute and the venue will be Opatija. Winning this nomination was yet another credit to the work of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.
Paper by RBI scientists published in Crystal Growth & Design
RBI scientists Daniel Lyons, PhD, and Davorin Medaković, PhD, from the Centre for Marine Research in Rovinj, in cooperation with the scientists from Departments of Physics and Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Conservation Institute, have recently published a new study on the Biomineralization on an Ancient Sculpture of the Apoxyomenos; Effects of a Metal-rich Environment on Crystal Growth in Living Organisms in the prestigious crystallographic scientific journal Crystal Growth & Design, a bi-monthly journal published by the American Chemical Society.
First 100 Days of RBI Director: Accomplishments and Future Projects
After passing the 100 days benchmark, RBI Director General Danica Ramljak, D.V.M, Ph.D., pushes on with a challenging task ahead of her: leading the Ruđer Bošković Institute on the path of progress from a national to the European centre of scientific excellence. The first step in doing so will be an independent evaluation of the Institute by international team of experts.
"A Cold Approach to a Hot Problem" by Professor Helmut Schwarz
Ruđer Bošković Institute today welcomed the President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Prof. Dr. Drs. h. c. Helmut Schwarz, professor of organic chemistry at Berlin University of Technology (TU) and a member of the RBI International Scientific Council who gave a lecture on: Ligand and Cluster-size Effects in Metal-mediated Activation of Methane: A Cold Approach to a Hot Problem. The lecture by professor Schwarz is the second of the Distinguished scientists at RBI series, organized under auspice of RBI Director.