dr. sc. Zoran Štefanić
Bijenička 54, 10000 Zagreb
- 2008-2009 Postdoktorsko usavršavanje na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan u Ljubljani
- 21.12.2004. Obrana doktorske disertacije pod nazivom “Uloga vodikovih veza u supramolekularnoj organizaciji oksalil i ftaloil derivata aminokiselina”.
- 06.11.2000. Diplomirao fiziku na Prirodoslovno-matemetičkom fakultetu, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, s temom diplomskog rada: «Efekti rezanja konfiguracijskog prostora u bozonsko-fermionskim modelima»
2021.-2024. Voditelj HrZZ projekta ALOKOMP (Alosterički komunikacijski putevi u oligomernim enzimima)
2009-2010. Voditelj hrvatsko-slovenskog bilateralnog projekta “Razvoj novih algoritama za analizu aktivnih mjesta proteina“
Nagrade i priznanja
2004 Na 22. po redu Europskom kristalografskom sastanku (22. European Crystallographic Meeting) održanom od 26. do 31. kolovoza u Budimpešti, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre mi je dodijelio nagradu za poster s temom iz kemijske kristalografije pod naslovom "Hydrogen Bonding Organization In Crystal Structures Of (S,S)-N,N’-Phthaloyl-Bis(Amino Acid) Derivatives"
- 2008- Voditelj kolegija “Teorija grupa u kristalografiji” u sklopu Doktorskog studija kemije, PMF, Zagreb.
- 2005-2007 Sudjelovanje u dodiplomskoj nastavi na Biološkom odsjeku PMF-a, održavanje vježbi iz kolegija Molekularna biofizika za studente 3. godine
Istaknute publikacije
- Leščić Ašler, Ivana; Štefanić, Zoran; Maršavelski, Aleksandra; Vianello, Robert; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka.
Catalytic Dyad in the SGNH Hydrolase Superfamily: In-depth Insight into Structural Parameters Tuning the Catalytic Process of Extracellular Lipase from Streptomyces rimosus. // Acs chemical biology. 12 (2017) , 7; 1928-1936. - Štefanić, Zoran; Mikleušević, Goran; Luić, Marija; Bzowska, Agnieszka; Leščić Ašler, Ivana.
Structural characterization of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. // International journal of biological macromolecules. 101 (2017) ; 518-526. - Mikleušević, Goran; Štefanić, Zoran; Narczyk, Marta; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata; Bzowska, Agnieszka; Luić, Marija.
Validation of the catalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase by structural and kinetic studies. Biochimie. 93 (2011) , 9; 1610-1622. - Tomašić, Vlasta; Štefanić, Zoran Cholic acid as host for long linear molecules: a series of co-crystals with n-alkylammonia. CrystEngComm. 9 (2007) ; 1124-1128.
- Luić, Marija; Štefanić, Zoran; Ceilinger, Igor; Hodošček, Milan; Janežić, Dušanka; Lenac, Tihana; Leščić Ašler, Ivana; Šepac, Dragan; Tomić, Sanja. Combined X-Ray Diffraction and QM/MM Study of the Burkholderia cepacia Lipase-Catalyzed Secondary Alcohol Esterification. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 112 (2008) , 16; 4876-4883.
- Štefanić, Zoran; Vujaklija, Dušica; Luić, Marija Crystal structure of the single-stranded DNA binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor. Acta Crystallographica - Section D - Biological Crystallography. 65 (2009), 9; 974-979.
Publikacije - autorske knjige
Wittine, Karlo ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Mintas, Mladen | Personalizirana terapija karcinoma. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2021
Mintas, Mladen ; Wittine, Karlo ; Štefanić, Zoran | Novi lijekovi protiv raka. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2018
Publikacije - Uredničke knjige
Zbornik radova s konferencije
The Twenty-fourth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting Book of Abstracts / Bijelić, Mirjana ; Cetina, Mario ; Čobić, Andrea et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga kristalografa, 2016
Zbornik sažetaka s konferencije
The European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC 17: Book of Abstracts / Popović, Jasminka; Štefanić, Zoran (ur.). Zagreb: Croatian Association of Crystallographers, 2022
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Foretić, Blaženka; Klaser, Teodoro; Ovčar, Juraj; Lončarić, Ivor; Žilić, Dijana; Šantić, Ana; Štefanić, Zoran; Bjelopetrović, Alen; Popović, Jasminka; Picek, Igor | The reversible electron transfer within stimuli-responsive hydrochromic supramolecular material containing pyridinium oxime and hexacyanoferrate (II) ions // Molecules, 29 (2024), 23; 5611, 15. doi: 10.3390/molecules29235611
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Mesić, Mia; Dunatov, Marko; Puškarić, Andreas; Štefanić, Zoran; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Humidity and temperature driven transformations in ferroelectric quinuclidine-based chlorocobaltate(ii) complex salt: bulk and thin films with preferred orientation // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12 (2024), 32; 12397-12404. doi: 10.1039/d4tc01150c
doipubs.rsc.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Gomaz, Boris; Pandini, Alessandro; Maršavelski, Aleksandra; Štefanić, Zoran | MDavocado: Analysis and Visualization of Protein Motion by Time-Dependent Angular Diagrams // Journal of chemical information and modeling, 64 (2024), 15; 5742-5748. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.4c00650
doipubs.acs.org -
Mišković, Marija Zora; Wojtyś, Marta; Winiewska-Szajewska, Maria; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata; Matković, Marija; Domazet Jurašin, Darija; Štefanić, Zoran; Bzowska, Agnieszka; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Location Is Everything: Influence of His-Tag Fusion Site on Properties of Adenylosuccinate Synthetase from Helicobacter pylori // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 14; 7613, 20. doi: 10.3390/ijms25147613
doi -
Dunatov, Marko; Molčanov, Krešimir; Štefanić, Zoran; Kruk, Robert; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Interfacial Water Molecules as Agents for Phase Change Control and Proton Conductivity Enhancement in the Ammonium Vanadyl Tartrate System // Inorganic chemistry, 63 (2024), 1; 163-172. doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c02605
doipubs.acs.org -
Alić Stolar, Jasna; Lončarić, Ivor; Ettel, Martin; Rubčić, Mirta; Štefanić, Zoran; Šekutor, Marina; Užarević, Krunoslav; Stolar, Tomislav | Direct in situ measurement of polymorphic transition temperatures under thermo-mechanochemical conditions // PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics, 26 (2024), 6; 4840-4844. doi: 10.1039/D3CP04364A
doipubs.rsc.org -
Gomaz, Boris; Štefanić, Zoran | Oligomeric Symmetry of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylases // Symmetry (Basel), 16 (2024), 1; 124-12. doi: 10.3390/sym16010124
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mlakić, Milena; Odak, Ilijana; Barić, Danijela; Talić, Stanislava; Šagud, Ivana; Štefanić, Zoran; Molčanov, Krešimir; Lasić, Zlata; Kovačević, Borislav; Škorić, Irena | New resveratrol analogs as improved biologically active structures: design, synthesis and computational modeling // Bioorganic chemistry, 143 (2024), 106965, 18. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2023.106965
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša; Makarević, Janja; Popović, Jasminka; Štefanić, Zoran; Žinić, Mladen | (N-Alkyloxalamido)-Amino Acid Amides as the Superior Thixotropic Phase Selective Gelators of Petrol and Diesel Fuels // Gels, 9 (2023), 11; 852-872
doi.org -
Rep Kaulić, Valentina ; Pantalon Juraj, Natalija ; Perić, Berislav ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kirin, Srećko I. ; Raić-Malić, Silvana | Transition metal-mediated hydrolysis of the imine bond in 2-azomethine benzothiazoles // Croatica chemica acta, 95 (2022), 4; 123-130. doi: 10.5562/cca3907
doihrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr -
Perić, Berislav ; Pantalon Juraj, Natalija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Structural Determination of the Hexacoordinated [Zn(L)2]2+ Complex Isomer Type Using Solution- State NMR, DFT Calculations and X-ray Crystallography // Crystals, 13 (2023), 16, 21. doi: 10.3390/cryst13010016
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bubić, Ante ; Narczyk, Marta ; Petek, Ana ; Wojtyś, Marta Ilona ; Maksymiuk, Weronika ; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata ; Winiewska-Szajewska, Maria ; Pavkov-Keller, Tea ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Štefanić, Zoran et al. | The pursuit of new alternative ways to eradicate Helicobacter pylori continues: Detailed characterization of interactions in the adenylosuccinate synthetase active site // International journal of biological macromolecules, 226 (2023), 37-50. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.12.001
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Alić, Jasna ; Stolar, Tomislav ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Šekutor, Marina | Sustainable synthesis of diamondoid ethers by high-temperature ball milling // ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11 (2023), 2; 617-624. doi: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c05283
doipubs.acs.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Narczyk, Marta ; Wojtyś, Marta Ilona ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Žinić, Biserka ; Luić, Marija ; Jagusztyn-Krynicka, Elżbieta Katarzyna ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Bzowska, Agnieszka | Interactions of 2,6-substituted purines with purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Helicobacter pylori in solution and in the crystal, and the effects of these compounds on cell cultures of this bacterium // Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry, 37 (2022), 1; 1083-1097. doi: 10.1080/14756366.2022.2061965
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Dunatov, Marko ; Puškarić, Andreas ; Pavić, Luka ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Electrically responsive structural transformations triggered by vapour and temperature in a series of pleochroic bis(oxalato)chromium(iii) complex salts // Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10 (2022), 8024-8033. doi: 10.1039/D2TC01103D
doifulir.irb.hrpubs.rsc.org -
Alić, Jasna ; Biljan, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Šekutor, Marina | Preparation and Characterization of Non-Aromatic Ether Self-Assemblies on a HOPG Surface // Nanotechnology, 33 (2022), 35; 355603, 12. doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac6e72
doiiopscience.iop.org -
Glavaš, Mladena ; Gredičak, Matija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Jerić, Ivanka | Synthesis of 14-membered enediyne-embedded macrocycles // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 20 (2022), 18; 3823-3834. doi: 10.1039/d2ob00090c
doipubs.rsc.orgdoi.org -
Gregorić, Tomislav ; Makarević, Janja ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Žinić, Mladen ; Frkanec, Leo | Gamma Radiation- and Ultraviolet-Induced Polymerization of Bis(amino acid)fumaramide Gel Assemblies // Polymers, 14 (2022), 1; 214, 17. doi: 10.3390/polym14010214
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Vlahoviček-Kahlina, Kristina ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Vazdar, Katarina ; Jerić, Ivanka | N‐Alkylated C‐Glycosyl Amino Acid Derivatives: Synthesis by a One‐Pot Four‐Component Ugi Reaction // ChemPlusChem, 85 (2020), 5; 838-844. doi: 10.1002/cplu.202000177
doichemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
You, Jiangyang ; Carić, Dejana ; Rakvin, Boris ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Kveder, Marina | Matrix material structure dependence of the embedded electron spin decoherence // The Journal of chemical physics, 150 (2019), 16; 164124, 9. doi: 10.1063/1.5090215
doiaip.scitation.orgdoi.org -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Narczyk, Marta ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Kazazić, Saša ; Bzowska, Agnieszka ; Luić, Marija | Crystallographic snapshots of ligand binding to hexameric purine nucleoside phosphorylase and kinetic studies give insight into the mechanism of catalysis // Scientific reports, 8 (2018), 15427, 13. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33723-1
doiwww.nature.comfulir.irb.hr -
Bošnjaković, Marta ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran | The Role of Phosphate Binding in Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase of Helicobacter pylori // Croatica chemica acta, 91 (2018), 2; 171-175. doi: 10.5562/cca3335
doihrcak.srce.hrdoi.orghrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Narczyk, Marta ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Papa, Lucija ; Vuković, Vedran ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Wielgus- Kutrowska, Beata ; Bzowska, Agnieszka ; Luić, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran | Helicobacter pylori purine nucleoside phosphorylase shows new distribution patterns of open and closed active site conformations and unusual biochemical features // The FEBS journal, 285 (2018), 7; 1305-1325. doi: 10.1111/febs.14403
doifebs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Kokan, Zoran ; Kovačević, Borislav ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Tzvetkova, Pavleta ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Controlling Orthogonal Self-Assembly through Cis-Trans Isomerization of a Non-Covalent Palladium Complex Dimer // Chemical communications, 54 (2018), 17; 2094-2097. doi: 10.1039/C7CC09537F
doipubs.rsc.org -
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Vianello, Robert ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Catalytic Dyad in the SGNH Hydrolase Superfamily: In-depth Insight into Structural Parameters Tuning the Catalytic Process of Extracellular Lipase from Streptomyces rimosus // Acs chemical biology, 12 (2017), 7; 1928-1936. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.6b01140
doipubs.acs.org -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Luić, Marija ; Bzowska, Agnieszka ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Structural characterization of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from human pathogen Helicobacter pylori // International journal of biological macromolecules, 101 (2017), 518-526. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.03.101
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Novak, Sanja ; Morasi Piperčić, Sara ; Makarić, Sandro ; Primožič, Ines ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Domazet Jurašin, Darija | Interplay of Noncovalent Interactions in Ionic Liquid/Sodium Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate Mixtures : From Lamellar to Bicontinuous Cubic Liquid Crystalline Phase // The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical, 120 (2016), 49; 12557-12567. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b10515
doipubs.acs.orgdoi.org -
Luić, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran | Can Crystal Symmetry and Packing Influence the Active Site Conformation of Homohexameric Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylases? // Croatica chemica acta, 89 (2016), 2; 197-202. doi: 10.5562/cca2872
doihrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Kovač, Veronika ; Radošević, Kristina ; Bebek, Anica ; Makarević, Janja ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Barišić, Lidija ; Žinić, Mladen ; Rapić, Vladimir | The first oxalamide-bridged ferrocene : facile synthesis, preliminary conformational analysis and biological evaluation // Applied organometallic chemistry, 31 (2016), 7; E3653-1-E3653-. doi: 10.1002/aoc.3653
doionlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Skočibušić, Mirjana ; Odžak, Renata ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Križić, Ivana ; Krišto, Lucija ; Jović, Ozren ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Primožič, Ines ; Jurašin, Darija | Structure-Property Relationship of Quinuclidinium Surfactants – Towards Multifunctional Biologically Active Molecules // Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 140 (2016), 548-559. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.11.023
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Cetina, Mario ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Makarević, Janja ; Nura-Lama, Afërdita | Intermolecular interactions in dihydrothymine derivatives form two-dimensional and three-dimensional networks // Journal of chemical crystallography, 45 (2015), 2; 67-76. doi: 10.1007/s10870-015-0567-1
doilink.springer.com -
Tomašić, Vlasta ; Biliškov, Nikola ; Mihelj, Tea ; Štefanić, Zoran | Thermal Behaviour and Structural Properties of Surfactant - Picrate Compounds: the effect of the ammonium headgroup number // Thermochimica acta, 569 (2013), 25-35. doi: 10.1016/j.tca.2013.06.041
doiwww.sciencedirect.comac.els-cdn.comdx.doi.org -
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Kovačić, Filip ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Allmaier, Günter ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Inhibition of extracellular lipase from Streptomyces rimosus with 3, 4-dichloroisocoumarin // Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry, 28 (2013), 5; 1094-1104. doi: 10.3109/14756366.2012.716834
doiwww.pubfacts.com -
Molčanov, Krešimir ; Portada, Tomislav ; Čaplar, Vesna ; Jokić, Milan ; Makarević, Janja ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Žinić, Mladen ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Hydrogen bonding topology influences gelating properties of malonamides // Structural chemistry, 24 (2013), 2; 597-609. doi: 10.1007/s11224-012-0102-3
doilink.springer.com -
Makarević, Janja ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Horvat, Lucija ; Žinić, Mladen | Intermolecular central to axial chirality transfer in the self-assembled biphenyl containing amino acid–oxalamide gelators // Chemical communications, 48 (2012), 59; 7047-7049. doi: 10.1039/C2CC32039H
doipubs.rsc.org -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Narczyk, Marta ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata ; Bzowska, Agnieszka ; Luić, Marija | New phosphate binding sites in the crystal structure of Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase complexed with phosphate and formycin A // FEBS letters, 586 (2012), 7; 967-971. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2012.02.039
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdx.doi.org -
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Pigac, Jasenka ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Luić, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a complex of extracellular lipase from Streptomyces rimosus with the inhibitor 3, 4- dichloroisocoumarin // Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications, 67 (2011), 11; 1378-1381. doi: 10.1107/S1744309111032222
doijournals.iucr.orgonlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Štefanić, Zoran | Symmetry versus Asymmetry in the Molecules of Life: Homomeric Protein Assemblies // Symmetry (Basel), 2 (2010), 884-906. doi: 10.3390/sym2020884
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Mikleušević, Goran ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Narczyk, Marta ; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata ; Bzowska, Agnieszka ; Luić, Marija | Validation of the catalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase by structural and kinetic studies // Biochimie, 93 (2011), 9; 1610-1622. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2011.05.030,
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Mihelj, Tea ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Tomašić, Vlasta | Thermal and structural properties of surfactant–picrate compounds // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, 108 (2012), 3; 1261-1272. doi: 10.1007/s10973-011-1710-7
doiwww.springerlink.com -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Luić, Marija | Structure of the single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor // Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography, 65 (2009), 9; 974-979. doi: 10.1107/S0907444909023634
doiscripts.iucr.org -
Luić, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Ceilinger, Igor ; Hodošček, Milan ; Janežić, Dušanka ; Lenac, Tihana ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Šepac, Dragan ; Tomić, Sanja | Combined X-Ray Diffraction and QM/MM Study of the Burkholderia cepacia Lipase-Catalyzed Secondary Alcohol Esterification // The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical, 112 (2008), 16; 4876-4883. doi: 10.1021/jp077717u
doipubs.acs.org -
Tomašić, Vlasta ; Štefanić, Zoran | Cholic acid as host for long linear molecules : a series of co-crystals with n-alkylammonia // Crystengcomm, 9 (2007), 11; 1124-1128. doi: 10.1039/B710469C
doipubs.rsc.org -
Džolić, Zoran ; Margeta, Renato ; Vinković, Marijana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Žinić, Mladen | N-Methylation of adamantane-substituted oxalamide unit affects its conformational rigidity: Askew conformation of the oxalamide brigde // Journal of molecular structure, 876 (2008), 1-3; 218-224. doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2007.06.024
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Andrišić, Luka ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Andrejašič, Miha ; Turk, Dušan ; Luić, Marija | Preliminary crystallographic study of Streptomyces coelicolor single-stranded DNA-binding protein // Croatica chemica acta, 80 (2007), 1; 35-39
hrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hrfulir.irb.hr Štefanić, Zoran ; Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Complementarity principle in heteromeric ionic assembling via N-H...O, C-H...pi, and pi...pi interactions: Crystal structure of [2(benzyloxy)-2-oxo-1-phenylethyl]ammonium 4-methyl-1-benzenesulhponate // Journal of molecular structure, 797 (2006), 1-3; 184-188-x
Zimmermann, Boris ; Baranović, Goran ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Rožman, Marko | Spectroscopic Properties of Macrocyclic Oligo(Phenyldiacetylenes)-II. Synthesis and Theoretical Study of Diacetylenic Dehydrobenzoannulene Derivatives with Weak Electron-Donor and -Acceptor Groups // Journal of molecular structure, 794 (2006), 115-124. doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2006.01.049
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org Ilić, Nebojša ; Habuš, Ivan ; Barkawi, Lana S. ; Park, Seijin ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Cohen, Jerry D. ; Magnus, Volker | Aminoethyl-substituted indole-3-acetic acids for the preparation of tagged and carrier-linked auxin // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 13 (2005), 9; 3229-3240-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Meden, Anton ; Lutz, Martin ; Schreurs, Antoine M.M. ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | The twinned crystal structure of rac-(R, R)-NN'-oxalyldivalinol // Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure Communications, C60 (2004), 754-756-x
Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Žinić, Mladen | Hydrogen bonding and molecular assemblies // Croatica chemica acta, 77 (2004), 3; 415-425-x
Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Perić, Berislav ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Meden, Anton ; Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Žinić, Mladen | Supramolecular assembling using synthons with NH- CO(S)-CS-NH and NH-CO-CO-NH functionalities: crystal structures of (S, S)-N, N'-monothiooxalyldileucine methyl ester and its dithio analogue. // Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, B60 (2004), 1; 90-96. doi: 10.1107/S0108768103029173
doiscripts.iucr.org Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Raza, Zlata ; Čaplar, Vesna ; Katalenić, Darinka ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Žinić, Mladen | Chiral bis(tyrosinol) and bis(p-hydroxyphenylglycinol) oxalamide gelators. influence of aromatic groups and hydrogen bonding on gelation properties // Croatica chemica acta, 77 (2004), 1-2; 403-414-x
Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Raza, Zlata ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Žinić, Mladen | Chiral bis(amino alcohol) oxalyl amide gelators-gelation properties and supramolecular organization. Racemate vs pure enantiomer gelation // Chemistry : a European journal, 9 (2003), 5567-5580-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Džolić, Zoran ; Katalenić, Darinka ; Žinić, Mladen ; Meden, Anton | Hydrogen bonding in N, N'-bis[(1 S)-2-azido-1-(2-methylpropyl)ethyl]-oxalamide: twofold symmetry of R22(10) hydrogen-bonded dimers connected into an alpha-network // Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure Communications, C59 (2003), 286-288-x
Prikaz, osvrt, kritika
Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Štefanić, Zoran | Nobelova nagrada za 2009. s osvrtom na nagradu za kemiju // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 58 (2009), 615-619
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Štefanić, Zoran ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Narczyk, Marta ; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata ; Bzowska, Agnieszka ; Luić, Marija | Still a long way to fully understanding the molecular mechanism of Escherichia coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase // Croatica chemica acta, 86 (2013), 1; 117-127. doi: 10.5562/cca2116
Kratko priopćenje
Luić, Marija ; Papa, Lucija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Knežević, Petar ; Bzowska, Agnieszka | H. pylori purine nucleoside phosphorylase: catalytic features and three-dimensional structure // Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances, 73 (2017), a2; C160-C160. doi: 10.1107/s205327331709413x
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Gomaz, Boris ; Pandini, Alessandro ; Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Štefanić, Zoran | DECIPHERING DYNAMICS OF PURINE NUCLEOSIDE PHOSPHORYLASE // 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium: Book of Abstracts / Posarić, Laura; Gmižić, Daria; Ostojić, Tea et al. (ur.). | Zagreb: Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2024. str. 29-29
Dunatov, Marko; Puškarić, Andreas; Štefanić, Zoran; Androš Dubraja, Lidija | Reversible single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformations in the pleochroic bis(oxalato)chromium(III) complex salt // The Twenty-eighth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting. | Zagreb: Co-Publisher (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), 2022. str. 51-51
cscm28.hazu.hr Mišković, Marija Zora; Wojtys, Marta; Bzowska, Agnieszka; Štefanić, Zoran; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Location is everything: Influence of His-tag fusion site on properties of adenylosuccinate synthetase from Helicobacter pylori // Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 6 (HTCC 6) - Advanced macromolecular crystallography workshop: Programme Book / Bjelopetrović, Alen (ur.). | Zagreb: Croatian Association of Crystallographers, 2024. str. 60-60
Gomaz, Boris; Pandini, Alessandro; Maršavelski, Aleksandra; Štefanić, Zoran | Computational analysis of purine nucleoside phosphorylase dynamics // Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 6 (HTCC 6) - Advanced macromolecular crystallography workshop: Programme Book / Bjelopetrović, Alen (ur.). | Zagreb: Croatian Association of Crystallographers, 2024. str. 59-59
Štefanić, Zoran; Maršavelski, Aleksandra; Gomaz, Boris; | Allosteric Communication in Enzymes Through Advanced Visualization of MD Simulations // Computational Chemistry Day 2023 : Book of Abstracts / Hok, Lucija (ur.). | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2023. str. 7-8
Alić, Jasna; Etter, Martin; Rubčić, Mirta; Štefanić, Zoran; Šekutor, Marina; Užarević, Krunoslav; Stolar, Tomislav | Direct in situ measurement of polymorphic transition temperatures in thermo-mechanochemical reactions // Solid-State Science & Research 2023 : book of abstracts / Biliškov, Nikola; Karadeniz, Bahar; Juraj Pantalon, Natalija (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 41-41
www.scires2023.irb.hr Gomaz, Boris ; Štefanić, Zoran | Understanding allostery in oligomeric enzymes through big data visualization // The Twenty-ninth Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting : book of abstracts and programme. | Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani, 2023. str. 36-36
Alić, Jasna ; Biljan, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Šekutor, Marina | Characterization of diamondoid ether self-assemblies on a HOPG surface // 7th Adriatic NMR Conference : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Croatian Chemical Society, 2023. str. 53-53
adriatic-nmr-conference.hkd.hr -
Štefanić, Zoran; Gomaz, Boris | Exploring the structural and dynamic data // Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 5 Experimental Advances in Macromolecular Crystallography. | 2023. str. 33-33
hrvatska-udruga-kristalografa.hr Štefanić, Zoran ; Gomaz, Boris | Potraga za alosterijom kod proteina upotrebom napredne vizualizacije // Srce DEI 2023 Knjiga sažetaka. | 2023, 59, 1
Gomaz, Boris ; Štefanić, Zoran | Structure comparison and structural alignments of oligomeric purine nucleoside phosphorylases // Solutions in Chemistry Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2022. str. 92-92
solutionsinchemistry.hkd.hr Štefanić, Zoran ; Maršavelski, Aleksandra ; Gomaz, Boris | Search for Allostery in Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylases via Database of Molecular Interactions // The Twenty-eighth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 46-46
Štefanić, Zoran ; Gomaz, Boris | Understanding allostery in purine nucleoside phosphorylases by machine learning and molecular dynamics interaction databases // ECM33 book of abstracts. | Pariz, 2022, MS35-O5, 2
www.ecm33.fr -
Gomaz, Boris ; Štefanić, Zoran | Oligomeric symmetry of purine nucleoside phosphorylases // The Twenty-eighth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 35-35
cscm28.hazu.hr Štefanić, Zoran ; Gomaz, Boris | Search for the similarities in the crystal structures of purines as possible inhibitors of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Helicobacter pylori // EPDiC17 : Book of Abstracts. | 2022. str. 162-162
Alić, Jasna ; Biljan, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Šekutor, Marina | Characterization of diamondoid ether self-assemblies on a HOPG surface // Computational Chemistry Day 2022 : Book of abstracts. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 21-21
ccd2022.irb.hrdrive.google.com -
Bubić, Ante ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Adenylosuccinate Synthetase from Helicobacter pylori: Characterization of Active Site Using X- ray Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics Simulations // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 194-194
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Perić, Berislav ; Pantalon Juaraj, Natalija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Kirin, Srećko | Mer-coordination of a mixed iminoacetamide/(2- picoyl)amine ligand to the zn2+ cation: X-ray and NMR study // Math/Chem/Comp 2021 - 32nd MC2 Conference: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko Kemijsko Društvo, 2021. str. 36-36
mcc.hkd.hr -
Štefanić, Zoran ; Luić, Marija | Purine nucleoside phosphorylases: understanding enzyme mechanism and allosteric pathways // The Twenty-Sixth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2018. str. 5-5
kristalografi.hazu.hr -
Opačak, Saša ; Kokan, Zoran ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Perić, Berislav ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Application of new chiral phospine Rh(I) complexes in enantioselective catalytic hydrogenation reactions // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2017. str. 143-143
www.hdki.hr -
Leščić Ašler, Ivana; Štefanić, Zoran; Luić, Marija | Insights into catalytic mechanism of an enzyme. | 2016
indico.cern.ch Bertoša, Branimir ; Kazizić, Saša ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Narczyk, Marta ; Wielgus- Kutrowska, Beata ; Hajnić, Matea ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Tomić, Sanja ; Tarnowski, Krzysztof et al. | Role of subunit-subunit interactions in the catalysis conducted by hexameric purine nucleoside phosphorylase. | 2015. str. 1-1
Luić, Marija ; Gucunski, Karolina ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran | Structural investigations of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Helicobacter pylori II // 29th European Crystallographic Meeting Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2015. str. 204-204
Štefanić, Zoran ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Luić, Marija | Structural investigations of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Helicobacter pylori I // 29th European Crystallographic Meeting Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2015. str. 234-x
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Luić, Marija ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Crystal structure of Streptomyces rimosus extracellular lipase // 29th European Crystallographic Meeting Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2015. str. 206-x
Cetina, Mario ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Makarević, Janja ; Nura-Lama, Afërdita | Intermolecular interactions in dihydropyrimidine derivatives form two-dimensional and three-dimensional networks // Twenty-third Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting. | Ljubljana: Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani, 2014. str. 43-43
Mihelj, Tea ; Tomašić, Vlasta ; Štefanić, Zoran | Thermochemistry and crystal structure of different single and multitailed picrates // XXII hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, Knjiga sažetaka, Zagreb, 2011. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2011. str. 162-162
Luić, Marija ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Mikleušević, Goran ; Narczyk, Marta ; Wielgus-Kutrowska, Beata ; Bzowska, Agnieszka | Validation of the catalytic mechanism of E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase // The 5th Central European Conference-Chemistry towards Biology, Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2010. str. 40-40
Šimunov, Tina ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Razdorov, Genadij ; Castaldo, Gaetano ; Luić, Marija ; Vujaklija, Dušica | SSB protein from antibiotic-producing bacteria // CESAR 2009 Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2009. str. 68-68
Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Jokić, Milan ; Čaplar, Vesna ; Portada, Tomislav ; Makarević, Janja ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Žinić, Mladen | Bis(phenylglycinol)malonamide gelators: the rare example of gelling meso compounds // Knjiga sažetaka, XXI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Petrokemija Kutina, 2009. str. 106-106
Višnjevac, Aleksandar ; Štefanić, Zoran | A PDB/CSD study of the metalloenzyme HisHisX-M-X type active sites and their low weight model complexes // ISABC 10 - Abstracts. | Deberecen: University of Debrecen, 2009. str. 101-101
Marija Luić ; Zoran Štefanić ; Dušica Vujaklija | STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE STREPTOMYCES COELICOLOR SINGLE-STRANDED DNA-BINDING PROTEIN // Sixteenth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting, Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: -, 2007. str. 55-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Vujaklija, Dušica ; Luić, Marija | Crystal structure of single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor // 9th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, 12. 16. August 2007, Delegate Book. | Manchester, 2007. str. 94-x
Tomašić, Vlasta ; Štefanić, Zoran | Influence of the Alkylammonium chain length and pH on the formation of Alkylammonium Cholate catanionic surfactants // XX. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera - Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2007. str. 150-150
Štefanić, Zoran ; Tomašić, Vlasta | Simplified representation of crystal structures : cholic acid host frameworks as a case study // Sixteenth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting : book of abstracts, programme. | Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU) ; Hrvatska Kristalografska Zajednica, 2007. str. 61-61
Zimmermann, Boris ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Baranović, Goran | Synthesis of New Diacetylenic Dehydrobenzoannulene Derivatives // 13th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Programme and Abstracts. | 2003. str. 138-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Tomašić, Vlasta | INTERESTING PROPERTIES OF CHOLIC ACID CRYSTALS // Marie Curie Workshop 2006 in Croatia and Serbia. | Beograd: Akademija tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske (HATZ), 2006. str. 61-x
Tomašić, Vlasta ; Štefanić, Zoran | Influence of the Alkylaammonium Chain Length and pH on the Formation of Akylammonium Cavities // Book of Abstracts. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 2006. str. 320-320-x
Vujasinović, Ines ; Molčanov, Krešimir ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Veljković, Jelena ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Studij ciklizacije i strukturna karakterizacija makrocikličkih poli(tiolaktona) // XIX. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera - knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo Kemija u industriji, 2005. str. 95-95
Biliškov, Nikola ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Baranović, Goran | Infrared and crystalogryphic study of complexation of N, N-dimethylformamide with racemic 1, 1'-bi-2-naphthol // Molecules Trapped in Solids. | 2004
Štefanić, Zoran ; Jokić, Milan ; Makarević, Janja ; Žinić, Mladen ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Hydrogen bonding organization in crystal structures of (S, S)-N, N'-PHTHALOYL-BIS(amino acid) derivatives // XXII European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM22, Acta Cryst (2004) A60 supplement. | Budimpešta: Hungarian Crystallographic Society, 2004. str. 307-307-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Žinić, Mladen | Self-assemblies in chemistry // Eight international summer school on biophysics-Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2003. str. 189-x
Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Vodikove veze i molekularno udruživanje // 3. znanstveni sastanak hrvatskih biofizaičara. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biofizičko društvo, 2003. str. 7-x
Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Štefanić, Zoran ; | Hydrogen bonding and supramolecular architecture. | 2003
Štefanić, Zoran ; Meden, Anton ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Žinić, Mladen | Non-merohedral twinning in the structure of rac-NN'-bis(oxalyl valinol) // Twelfth Croatian-Slovenian crystallographic meeting : Book of Abstracts and Programme. | Zagreb: Hrvatska kristalografska zajednica HAZU, 2003
Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Žinić, Mladen | The role of hydrogen bonding in the molecular assemblies // XVIII Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera, sažetci.. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo ; Hinus, 2003. str. 118-118
Štefanić, Zoran ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Makarević, Janja ; Jokić, Milan ; Žinić, Mladen | Supramolecular aggregation via hydrogen bonds in the series of (SS)-phthaloyl-bis-(amino acid methyl ester) // Book of abstracts. | Ljubljana: SLOVENIAN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, 2002. str. 26-x
Kratko priopćenje
Štefanić, Zoran | Basic concepts of group theory in crystallography // ECS3- European crystallography school : book of abstracts. | 2016. str. 11-14
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Bubić, Ante ; Petek, Ana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Biochemical characterization of His6-tagged adenylosuccinate synthetase from Helicobacter pylori: first step towards design of new inhibitors // FEBS Open Bio, 2022. str. 235-235. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13440
doifebs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com -
Višnjevac, Aleksandar ; Đaković, Marijana ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Popović, Jasminka ; Sabljić, Igor ; Šantić, Ana ; Štefanić, Zoran | Educational and outreach projects of the Croatian Association of Crystallographers // Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances, 2017. str. C415-C415. doi: 10.1107/S2053273317090696
doidoi.orgjournals.iucr.org Štefanić, Zoran ; Jokić, Milan ; Makarević, Janja ; Žinić, Mladen ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka | Hydrogen bonded molecular assemblies in crystals and gels of chiral bis(aminoalcohol) oxalamides // Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations of crystallography, 2002. str. C326-C326
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Mia Mesić, Marko Dunatov, Andreas Puškarić, Zoran Štefanić, Lidija Androš Dubraja | Thin Films of Quinuclidine-Based Molecular Ferroelectric with Preferred Orientation // FerroSchool 2024 | Ljubljana, Slovenija, 18.11.2024-21.11.2024
Štefanić, Zoran ; Gomaz, Boris | How Python helped us uncover secrets of protein motion // PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2024 | Berlin, Njemačka, 22.04.2024-24.04.2024
Gomaz, Boris; Štefanić, Zoran | Allostery analysis of oligomeric enzymes by combining X-ray structures and MD simulations with advanced visualization // EMBO Lecture Course Structural biophysics of biomolecular complexes | Istanbul, Turska, 04.09.2023-08.09.2023
Štefanić, Zoran | Visualizing allosteric pathways in oligomeric enzymes // Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 5 - HTCC5 | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 16.04.2023-21.04.2023
Alić Stolar, Jasna ; Stolar, Tomislav ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Šekutor, Marina | Sustainable solution for synthesis of diamondoid ethers // Solutions in Chemistry 2022 | Sveti Martin na Muri, Hrvatska, 08.11.2022-11.11.2022
solutionsinchemistry.hkd.hr Alić, Jasna ; Stolar, Tomislav ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Užarević, Krunoslav ; Šekutor, Marina | Sustainable mechanochemical synthesis of diamondoid ethers // 25th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXV) | Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija, 03.07.2022-08.07.2022
Bubić, Ante ; Narczyk, M. ; Maksymiuk, W. ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Bzowska, A. ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana | Conformational changes in adenylosuccinate synthetase from Helicobacter pylori upon ligand binding // EMBL Conference Bringing molecular structure to life: 50 years of the PDB | virtual, 20.10.2021-22.10.2021
Narczyk, M. ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Wojtyś, M. ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Luić, Marija ; Jagusztyn- Krynicka, K. ; Bzowska, A. | Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori purine nucleoside phosphorylase and bacteria cell cultures with 2-chloro-6-substituted purines // 45th FEBS 2020 Congress Molecules of Life: Towards New Horizons | Ljubljana, Slovenija, 03.07.2021-08.07.2021
Alić, Jasna ; Biljan, Ivana ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Šekutor, Marina | Self-assembly of diamondoid ethers on graphite // Solid-State Science & Research 2021 (SCIRES2021) | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 10.07.2021-11.07.2021
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Mrnjavac, Natalia ; Stuparević, Igor ; Štefanić, Zoran ; Luić, Marija | Adenylosuccinate synthetase from bacterium Helicobacter pylori strain 26695: purification and characterization // Proteins in action : biophysical techniques for protein research | České Budějovice, Češka Republika, 26.06.2017-28.06.2017
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Doktorska disertacija
Štefanić, Zoran | Uloga vodikove veze u supramolekularnoj organizaciji oksalil i ftaloil derivata aminokiselina / Kojić-Prodić, Biserka (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2004
Diplomski rad
Papa, Lucija | Strukturna istraživanja enzima purinske nukleozidne fosforilaze iz bakterije Helicobacter pylori / Luić, Marija (mentor); Štefanić, Zoran (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2017
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr Bošnjaković, Marta | Utjecaj fosfata na promjenu konformacije aktivnih mjesta enzima purinske nukleozidne fosforilaze iz bakterije Helicobacter pylori / Štefanić, Zoran ; Balen, Biljana (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
- Član Hrvatske udruge kristalografa
- Član Hrvatske kristalografske zajednice
- Član Hrvatskog biofizičkog društva