1st French-Croatian Blue Biotechnology Day

- 9:30-10:00 Croatian Innitiative in Blue Biotechnology through the Center of Excellence for Marine Bioprospecting – BioProCro, Marin Roje, Ruđer Bošković Institute
- 10:00-11:00 A personal vision for the development of Marine Biodiscovery, Olivier P. Thomas, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and National University of Ireland Galway
- 11:00-11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30-12:30 From chemical ecology to marine biotechnology: the development of new marine adhesives, Claire Hellio, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
- 12:30-13:15 Twisted bacteria in Nature, Medicine and Biotechnology, Duška Vujaklija, Ruđer Bošković Institute
Marin Roje 9:30-10:00
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Croatian Innitiative in Blue Biotechnology through the Center of Excellence for Marine Bioprospecting – BioProCro
Marine coastal systems of the Adriatic are expected to be rich resource for new bio-based products in medical and biotechnological applications. Although the wealth and diversity of marine systems are well known, their accessibility and exploitation in Croatia so far is very limited.
The abundance and diversity of natural products having biological activity leads to an opportunity for the discovery of molecules of biotechnological interest. Center of excellence for Marine Bioprospecting - BioProCro, is for the first time gathering Croatian research groups that investigate bioactive compounds isolated from marine organisms of the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea. In this presentation organizational scheme and work plan of the Center will be presented along with recent results in the field.
Olivier P. Thomas 10:00-11:00
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and National University of Ireland Galway
A personal vision for the development of Marine Biodiscovery
National supports have allowed the development of a Marine Biodiscovery area in several countries. We will present the structuration of the efforts at a national level in this field and the vision for a successful development in a sustainable manner. Three main areas should concentrate our efforts: new maritime ecoregions including deep sea, new marine organisms including micro, the supply issue. In this context we will show the example of a win/win collaboration with a country rich in marine biodiversity.
Coffee break 11:00-11:30
Claire Hellio 11:30-12:30
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
From chemical ecology to marine biotechnology: the development of new marine adhesives
The growing demand to develop novel environmentally friendly antifouling or bioadhesive materials is ever increasing. Bioinspiration is an attractive alternative in developing such a material, learning from nature's own designs and solutions, and, transferring them to solve particular problems. In order to achieve this goal, the actual mechanisms and strategies that evolution has produces needs to be elucidated from the subject species.
The work presented in this talk regarding new antifouling product has investigated chemical ecology (macroalgae and sponges), the role of microflora in the production of defense molecules, seasonality of the production of defence molecules, and defences synergy. The second part of the talk will focus with on fondamental studies on bioadhesion of marine microorganisms, algae and invertebrates; the development of new bioassay based on biochemistry for testing the activity of compounds from inhibition or promotion of adhesion; and finally our first results on oyster's adhesive characterization.
Duška Vujaklija 12:30-13:15
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Twisted bacteria in Nature, Medicine and Biotechnology
Streptomyces species have a very complex lifestyle and are one of the best known mycelial genera of Actinobacteria. These bacteria produce an impressive number of diverse bioactive secondary metabolites, among which are antibiotics in current clinical use, as well as many anticancer, antifungal or immunosuppressive compounds.
Streptomycetes also exhibit genetic adaptability to a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic environments. In their natural habitats these bacteria have a major role in degrading organic matter. They use their genome potential to produce a wide range of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. Consequently, these bacteria are of great interest in medicine and industry. The emergence of multi-resistant microorganisms to almost all available antibiotics focused research efforts to re-evaluate these organisms. Streptomyces genomic studies confirmed them as a source of vital new antibiotics and this led to an increase of screening programmes to uncover novel species in diverse ecological niches.
In this talk, a few special features of Streptomyces biology will be emphasized: the complex life cycle and how essential proteins of DNA metabolism can be manipulated to increase antibiotic production and their potential for synthesis of a broad spectrum of multifunctional lipolytic enzymes. In addition, the capacity of Actinobacteria to inhabit contaminated ecological niches in selected ecosystems of Northern Adriatic sea will be discussed.