Voltammetry Workshop

In the framework of the COST action ES801 "The Ocean Chemistry of Bioactive Trace Elements and Paleoclimate Proxies" we would cordially invite you to a marine voltammetry themed workshop: “Voltammetry and GEOTRACES“. The workshop will be held in Šibenik, Croatia, at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute marine station Martinska, from October 6th to October 9th 2012.
Dr. Peter Croot (Ireland), Dr. Antonio Cobelo Garcia (Spain), Dr. Cédric Garnier (France)
Dr. Irena Ciglenečki-Jušić, Dr. Dario Omanovic, Dr. Ivanka Pižeta, from Ruđer Bošković Institute (Croatia).
For further information and registration please contact: Dr. Irena Ciglenečki-Jušić (irena@irb.hr); Dr. Dario Omanović (dario.omanovic@irb.hr); Dr. Ivanka Pižeta (ivanka.pizeta@irb.hr)
- The application and useage of Voltammetry within GEOTRACES: Past, present and future.
- Utilizing the ongoing lessons of GEOTRACES for developing intercalibration studies for voltammetric measurements in seawater.
- Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for data treatment and speciation calculations using voltammetry. Including sampling and storage of samples; experimental design for speciation/complexation studies.
- Application of new types of sensors (e.g. solid electrodes, micro electrodes) to work in GEOTRACES.
- Tips and tricks in voltammetry – a networking approach: Sharing experiences and ideas on voltammetry through GEOTRACES activities.
Workshop and accommodation will take place in Hotel Jadran, Šibenik, Croatia. Accommodations expenses on the basis of three days full board are around 163 €.