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DIH InnovaMare – Cross-border digital innovation Hub for innovative marine techology

DIH InnovaMare – Cross-border digital innovation Hub for innovative marine techology

•Dive into the depth of opportunities•

Yesterday, at our Martinska Research Station, we were recording a promotional video to present the role of our institution, Ruđer Bošković Institute, in the second phase of the DIH InnovaMare project. 

#DIHInnovaMare project is a cross-border initiative aimed at fostering innovation and sustainability in the Adriatic Sea region. It addresses key challenges such as the lack of cooperation between the innovation ecosystems of neighboring countries, limited access to funding for innovative projects, and the gap between the development of innovative solutions and their practical application.

#RuderBoskovicInstitute will support the overall project management, attend all project events and capitalize on the research vessel acquired in first phase of DIH InnovaMare project. RBI will attend all project events and actively participate in the following activities:


• Mapping of young reseaechers at the transnational level in the field of marine technologies to expand the InnovaMare map of excellence,

• Cross-border pilot program/model for talented young researchers to promote collaborative RDI,

• Organization of cross-border study visits from companies to universities and vice versa,

• Joint research and implementation of innovative marine solutions for defined pilot actions at Living Lab sites in the Adriatic Sea


RBI will also implement a pilot action in the Krka River estuary in the #SibenikKninCounty to monitor the biodiversity of the #NATURA2000 site through environmentally friendly underwater monitoring by using underwater cameras and ROVs, making underwater life easily accessible through online Internet streaming for all interested parties thus enabling virtual tours of underwater world.



For project news, visit the project website: and

Project platform


#DIHInnovamare #InterregItalyCroatia #CofundedbytheEuropeanUnion #CroatiaChamberofEconomy #RegionalAgencyforTechnologyandInnovationItaly #UniversityofZadar #WirelessandMoreSRL #NationalResearchCouncilItaly #SibenikKninCounty #RegionalUnionofChambersofCommerceofVeneto

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