dr. sc. Eva Šatović Vukšić
Institut Ruđer Bošković
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
Poslijediplomski interdisciplinarni sveučilišni studij Molekularne bioznanosti Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku i Instituta Ruđer Bošković.
Stečen akademski stupanj doktora znanosti iz znanstvenog područja prirodnih znanosti, polje biologija, grana genetika, evolucija i filogenija.
Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Biološki odsjek.
Stečen akademski stupanj dipl. ing. biologije, smjer: molekularna biologija.
II opća gimnazija u Zagrebu
2020. - 2024. HRZZ: Rasvjetljavanje evolucije satelitnih DNA visokoprotočnim analizama satelitoma srodnih vrsta, suradnik na projektu i koautor projekta u ideji i pripremi prijedloga
2015. – 2019. HRZZ: Centromerna genomika beskralježnjaka, suradnik na projektu
2016. – 2018. Ministerio de economia y competitividad (Spanish Government): “New epigenetic factors and mechanisms involved in the regulation of chromatin structure and function”, suradnik na projektu
2014. - 2017. NEWFELPRO: "Functional contribution of embryonic histone H1 variant of Drosophila, dBigH1, to germline development", nositeljica projekta. Vrijednost projekta: 112 000 € (2014. - 2016. odlazna faza na Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona); 2016. – 2017. povratna faza na Institutu Ruđer Bošković)
2014. – 2016. Agencia de gestio d’ajuts universitaris i de recerca (Catalan Government): “Epigenetic regulation of chromatin structure and function”, suradnik na projektu
2007. – 2013. MZOŠ: Evolucija, osobitosti i funkcionalne interakcije sekvenci satelitnih DNA, suradnik na projektu
2009. – 2010. Hrvatsko-talijanski bilateralni projekt: Porijeklo i evolucija satelitnih DNA dvije gospodarski značajne vrste školjkaša roda Venerupis jadranskoga mora, suradnik na projektu
Nagrade i priznanja
2024. Publikacija „Šatović-Vukšić, E.*, Plohl, M.* Satellite DNAs—From Localized to Highly Dispersed Genome Components. Genes 14 (2023), 742.“ uvrštena na listu Editor's Choice Articles u časopisu Genes
2013. Godišnja nagrada Instituta Ruđer Bošković za najbolji rad znanstvenika koji nije imao doktorat u trenutku objave rada za publikaciju:
Šatović, E. i Plohl, M. Tandem repeat-containing MITEs in the clam Donax trunculus. Genome Biology and Evolution. 5 (2013), 12; 2549 - 2559
2021. – danas
Sunositelj kolegija „Strukturna genomika“ na poslijediplomskom interdisciplinarnom sveučilišnom studiju Molekularne bioznanosti Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku i Instituta Ruđer Bošković
Srpanj 2022. Stečeno naslovno znanstveno-nastavno zvanje docenta iz znanstvenog područja Prirodnih znanosti, znanstvenog polja biologija,
na poslijediplomskom interdisciplinarnom sveučilišnom studiju Molekularne bioznanosti
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Šatović Vukšić, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Satellite DNAs in Physiology and Evolution // Satellite DNAs in Physiology and Evolution / Ugarković, Đurđica (ur.). Cham: Springer, 2021. str. 57-83 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-74889-0
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Tunjić Cvitanić, Monika; García-Souto, Daniel; Pasantes, Juan José; Šatović Vukšić, Eva | Dominance of transposable element-related satDNAs results in great complexity of “satDNA library” and invokes the extension towards “repetitive DNA library” // Marine life science and technology, 6 (2024), 1; 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s42995-024-00218-0
doi -
Oppert, Brenda; Dossey, Aaron T; Chu, Fu-Chyun; Šatović-Vukšić, Eva; Plohl, Miroslav; Smith, Timothy PL; Koren, Sergey; Olmstead, Morgan L; Leierer, Dewey; Ragan, Gail et al. | The genome of the Yellow Mealworm, Tenebrio molitor: it’s bigger than you think // Genes, 14 (2023), 12; 2209, 20. doi: 10.3390/genes14122209
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Oppert, Brenda ; Muszewska, Anna ; Steczkiewicz, Kamil ; Šatović-Vukšić, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav ; Fabrick, Jeffrey ; Vinokurov, Konstantin ; Koloniuk, Igor ; Johnston, J. ; Smith, Timothy et al. | The Genome of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae): Adaptation for Success // Genes, 13 (2022), 3; 13030446, 43. doi: 10.3390/genes13030446
doidoi.orgwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Tunjić-Cvitanić, Monika ; Pasantes, Juan J. ; García-Souto, Daniel ; Cvitanić, Tonči ; Plohl, Miroslav ; Šatović-Vukšić, Eva | Satellitome Analysis of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Reveals New Pattern of Satellite DNA Organization, Highly Scattered across the Genome // International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (2021), 13; 6798, 21. doi: 10.3390/ijms22136798
doidoi.orgwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Tunjić Cvitanić, Monika ; Vojvoda Zeljko, Tanja ; Pasantes, Juan J. ; García-Souto, Daniel ; Gržan, Tena ; Despot-Slade, Evelin ; Plohl, Miroslav ; Šatović, Eva | Sequence composition underlying centromeric and heterochromatic genome compartments of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas // Genes, 11 (2020), 695; 695, 20. doi: 10.3390/genes11060695
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Šatović, Eva ; Luchetti, Andrea ; Pasantes, Juan J. ; García-Souto, Daniel ; Cedilak, Andrea ; Mantovani, Barbara ; Plohl, Miroslav | Terminal-Repeat Retrotransposons in Miniature (TRIMs) in bivalves // Scientific reports, 9 (2019), 19962, 10. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56502-y
doidoi.orgwww.nature.com -
Šatović, Eva ; Font-Mateu, Jofre ; Carbonell, Albert ; Beato, Miguel ; Azorín, Fernando | Chromatin remodeling in Drosophila preblastodermic embryo extract // Scientific reports, 8 (2018), 10927; 10927, 8. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29129-8
doiwww.nature.comdoi.org -
Nanić, Lucia ; Škrobot Vidaček, Nikolina ; Ravlić, Sanda ; Šatović, Eva ; Huzak, Miljenko ; Rubelj, Ivica | Mutual interactions between telomere heterogeneity and cell culture growth dynamics shape stochasticity of cell aging // Biogerontology (Dordrecht), 19 (2018), 1; 23-31. doi: 10.1007/s10522-017-9736-2
doilink.springer.com -
Šatović, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Two new miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements in the genome of the clam Donax trunculus // Genetica ('s-Gravenhage), 145 (2017), 4/5; 379-385. doi: 10.1007/s10709-017-9973-y
doilink.springer.comlink.springer.com -
García-Souto, Daniel ; Mravinac, Brankica ; Šatović, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav ; Morán, Paloma ; Pasantes, Juan J. | Methylation profile of a satellite DNA constituting the intercalary G+C-rich heterochromatin of the cut trough shell Spisula subtruncata (Bivalvia, Mactridae) // Scientific reports, 7 (2017), 6930; 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07231-7
doiwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.govwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Šatović, Eva ; Vojvoda Zeljko, Tanja ; Luchetti, Andrea ; Mantovani, Barbara ; Plohl, Miroslav | Adjacent sequences disclose potential for intra-genomic dispersal of satellite DNA repeats and suggest a complex network with transposable elements // Bmc genomics, 17 (2016), 977; 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3347-1
doibmcgenomics.biomedcentral.comfulir.irb.hr -
Luchetti, Andrea ; Šatović, Eva ; Mantovani, Barbara ; Plohl, Miroslav | RUDI, a short interspersed element of the V-SINE superfamily widespread in molluscan genomes // Molecular genetics and genomics, 291 (2016), 3; 1419-1429. doi: 10.1007/s00438-016-1194-z
doilink.springer.com -
Šatović, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Tandem repeat-containing MITEs in the clam Donax trunculus // Genome biology and evolution, 5 (2013), 12; 2549-2559. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evt202
doigbe.oxfordjournals.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Plohl, Miroslav ; Petrović, Vlatka ; Luchetti, Andrea ; Ricci, Andrea ; Šatović, Eva ; Passamonti, Marco ; Mantovani, Barbara | Long-term conservation vs. high sequence divergence : the case of an extraordinarily old satellite DNA in bivalve mollusks // Heredity (Edinburgh), 104 (2010), 6; 543-551. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2009.141
doiwww.nature.comwww.nature.com -
Petrović, Vlatka ; Perez-Garcia, Concepcion ; Pasantes, Juan ; Šatović, Eva ; Prats, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | A GC-rich satellite DNA and karyology of the bivalve mollusc Donax trunculus: a dominance of GC-rich heterochromatin // Cytogenetic and genome research, 124 (2009), 1; 63-71. doi: 10.1159/000200089
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Šatović-Vukšić, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Satellite DNAs—From Localized to Highly Dispersed Genome Components // Genes, 14 (2023), 3; 742, 22. doi: 10.3390/genes14030742
doidoi.orgwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Šatović, Eva ; Tunjić-Cvitanić, Monika ; Plohl, Miroslav | Tools and databases for solving problems in detection and identification of repetitive DNA sequences // Periodicum biologorum, 121-122 (2020), 1-2; 7-14. doi: 10.18054/pb.v121-122i1-2.10571
doihrcak.srce.hr -
Šatović, Eva ; Vojvoda Zeljko, Tanja ; Plohl, Miroslav | Characteristics and evolution of satellite DNA sequences in bivalve mollusks // The European zoological journal, 85 (2018), 1; 95-104. doi: 10.1080/24750263.2018.1443164
doiwww.tandfonline.com -
Meštrović, Nevenka ; Mravinac, Brankica ; Pavlek, Martina ; Vojvoda-Zeljko, Tanja ; Šatović, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Structural and functional liaisons between transposable elements and satellite DNAs // Chromosome research, 23 (2015), 3; 583-596. doi: 10.1007/s10577-015-9483-7
Kratko priopćenje
Šatović, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Distribution of DTHS3 satellite DNA across 12 bivalve species // Journal of genetics, 97 (2018), 2; 575-580. doi: 10.1007/s12041-018-0940-x
Šatović-Vukšić, Eva ; Plohl, Miroslav | Classification Problems of Repetitive DNA Sequences // DNA (Basel), 1 (2021), 2; 84-90. doi: 10.3390/dna1020009
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Član Native Oyster Restoration Alliance (NORA) Expert Database (area Genetics)
Hrvatsko genetičko društvo
Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju
Član Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Croatian Chapter
Alumni član Biološkog odsjeka Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Član IRB Barcelona Alumni Network
Član Udruge Alumni poslijediplomskog interdisciplinarnog sveučilišnog studija Molekularne bioznanosti
Society for Experimental Biology (2010 – 2014)
Tunjić-Cvitanić, M.; García-Souto, D.; Pasantes, J. J.; Šatović-Vukšić, E.* Dominance of transposable element-related satDNAs results in great complexity of “satDNA library” and invokes the extension towards “repetitive DNA library”. Marine Life Science & Technology (2024) 10.1007/s42995-024-00218-0
Oppert, B.; Dossey, A.T.; Chu, F.-C.; Šatović-Vukšić, E.; Plohl, M.; Smith, T.P.L.; Koren, S.; Olmstead, M.L.; Leierer, D.; Ragan, G.; et al. The Genome of the Yellow Mealworm, Tenebrio molitor: It’s Bigger Than You Think. Genes (2023), 14, 2209
Šatović-Vukšić, E.*; Plohl, M.* Satellite DNAs—From Localized to Highly Dispersed Genome Components. Genes 14 (2023), 742.
Oppert, B.; Muszewska, A.; Steczkiewicz, K.; Šatović-Vukšić, E.; Plohl, M.; Fabrick, J.A.; Vinokurov, K.S.; Koloniuk, I.; Johnston, J.S.; Smith, T.P.L.; Guedes, R.N.C.; Terra, W.R.; Ferreira, C.; Dias, R.O.; Chaply, K.A.; Elpidina, E.N.; Tereshchenkova, V.F.; Mitchell, R.F.; Jenson, A.J.; McKay, R.; Shan, T.; Cao, X.; Miao, Z.; Xiong, C.; Jiang, H.; Morrison, W.R., III; Koren, S.; Schlipalius, D.; Lorenzen, M.D.; Bansal, R.; Wang, Y.-H.; Perkin, L.; Poelchau, M.; Friesen, K.; Olmstead, M.L.; Scully, E.; Campbell, J.F. The Genome of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae): Adaptation for Success. Genes 13 (2022), 446.
Šatović-Vukšić, E*; Plohl, M. Classification Problems of Repetitive DNA Sequences. DNA, 1 (2021), 2; 84-90.
Šatović Vukšić E., Plohl M. Exploring Satellite DNAs: Specificities of Bivalve Mollusks Genomes. In: Ugarković Ð. (eds) Satellite DNAs in Physiology and Evolution. Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology, Springer, Cham. 60 (2021), 57-83.
Tunjić-Cvitanić, M; Pasantes, J J; García-Souto, D; Cvitanić, T; Plohl, M; Šatović-Vukšić, E*. Satellitome Analysis of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Reveals New Pattern of Satellite DNA Organization, Highly Scattered across the Genome. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (2021), 13; 6798.
Tunjić Cvitanić, M; Vojvoda Zeljko, T; Pasantes, J J; García-Souto, D; Gržan, T; Despot-Slade, E; Plohl, M*; Šatović, E*. Sequence Composition Underlying Centromeric and Heterochromatic Genome Compartments of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Genes, 11 (2020), 6; 695
Šatović E*, Tunjić Cvitanić M, Plohl M. Tools and databases for solving problems in detection and identification of repetitive DNA sequences. Periodicum biologorum, 121-122 (2020), 1-2; 7-14
Šatović, E*; Luchetti, A; Pasantes, J J; García-Souto, D; Cedilak, A; Mantovani, B; Plohl, M. Terminal-Repeat Retrotransposons in Miniature (TRIMs) in bivalves. Scientific Reports, 9 (2019), 19962
Šatović, E; Font-Mateu, J; Carbonell, A; Beato, M, Azorín, F. Chromatin remodeling in Drosophila preblastodermic embryo extract. Scientific Reports, 8 (2018), 10927
Šatović, E*; Plohl, M. Distribution of DTHS3 satellite DNA across 12 bivalve species. Journal of Genetics. 97 (2018), 2; 575-580
Šatović, E; Vojvoda Zeljko, T; Plohl, M. Characteristics and evolution of satellite DNA sequences in bivalve mollusks. European Zoological Journal, 58 (2018), 1; 95-104.
Nanić, L; Škrobot Vidaček, N; Ravlić, S; Šatović, E; Huzak, M; Rubelj, I. Mutual interactions between telomere heterogeneity and cell culture growth dynamics shape stochasticity of cell aging. Biogerontology, 19 (2018), 1; 23–31.
García-Souto, D; Mravinac, B; Šatović, E; Plohl, M; Morán, P; Pasantes, J J. Methylation profile of a satellite DNA constituting the intercalary G+C-rich heterochromatin of the cut trough shell Spisula subtruncata (Bivalvia, Mactridae). Scientific Reports. 7 (2017), 6930
Šatović, E*; Plohl, M. Two new miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements in the genome of the clam Donax trunculus. Genetica. 145 (2017), 4; 379-385
Šatović, E; Vojvoda Zeljko, T; Luchetti, A; Mantovani, B; Plohl, M. Adjacent sequences disclose potential for intra-genomic dispersal of satellite DNA repeats and suggest a complex network with transposable elements. BMC Genomics. 17 (2016), 977; 1-12
Luchetti, A; Šatović, E; Mantovani, B; Plohl, M. RUDI, a short interspersed element of the V-SINE superfamily widespread in molluscan genomes. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 291 (2016), 3; 1419-1429
Meštrović, N; Mravinac, B; Pavlek, M; Vojvoda-Zeljko, T; Šatović, E; Plohl, M. Structural and functional liaisons between transposable elements and satellite DNAs. Chromosome research. 23 (2015), 3; 583-596
Šatović, E; Plohl, M. Tandem repeat-containing MITEs in the clam Donax trunculus. Genome Biology and Evolution. 5 (2013), 12; 2549-2559
Plohl, M; Petrović, V; Luchetti, A; Ricci, A; Šatović, E; Passamonti, M; Mantovani, B. Long-term conservation vs. high sequence divergence: the case of an extraordinarily old satellite DNA in bivalve mollusks. Heredity (Edinburgh). 104 (2010), 6; 543-551
Petrović, V; Perez-Garcia, C; Pasantes, J; Šatović, E; Prats, E; Plohl, M. A GC-rich satellite DNA and karyology of the bivalve mollusc Donax trunculus: a dominance of GC-rich heterochromatin. Cytogenetics and Genome Research. 124 (2009), 1; 63-71
Urednička aktivnost
2023. -
Su-oformitelj i gostujući urednik specijalnog izdanja pod nazivom "Genome Evolution" u znanstvenom časopisu "Genes"
2021. – 2022.
Gostujući urednik specijalnog izdanja pod nazivom "Satellite DNA Genomics" u znanstvenom časopisu "Genes"
2020. – 2021.
Su-oformitelj i gostujući urednik specijalnog izdanja pod nazivom: "Repetitive DNA Sequences in Eukaryotic Genomes" u znanstvenom časopisu "International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Od lipnja 2023. član "Topical Advisory Panela" časopisa "Genes"
Od ožujka 2023. član "Topical Advisory Panela" časopisa "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Gostovanja na inozemnim institucijama
Dvotjedni boravak na University of Vigo, Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology, Population Genetics and Cytogenetics Group, Spain (studeni 2022)
Dvotjedni boravak na University of Vigo, Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology, Population Genetics and Cytogenetics Group, Spain (travanj 2022)
Tromjesečni boravak na Biomedical Center of Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Chromatin Dynamics and Nuclear Function Group, Germany (veljača - svibanj 2017)
Dvogodišnje usavršavanje na Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Chromatin structure and function group, Cell and developmental Biology unit, Spain (prosinac 2014 – prosinac 2016)
Kratki boravak na University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular Zoology, Italy (veljača 2010)
Kratki boravak na University of Vigo, Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology, Population Genetics and Cytogenetics Group, Spain (studeni 2010)