HRZZ: Utjecaj okolišnog stresa na pojavnost i međudjelovanje biološki važnih organskih molekula i mikronutrijenata u morskom ekosustavu (AMBIOMERES)

Glavni istraživač
Recently documented oligotrophication of the Adriatic Sea caused by global changes opened questions how this reflects on the quality and quantity of organic matter (OM) produced by the phytoplankton and on the consequent influence on the micronutrient metals availability and cycling. Within the project, a progressive (model and in-situ) approach will be accomplished to reveal crucial alterations in the marine ecosystem. Initial investigations will imply model experiments on the interaction of selected OM (polysaccharides, lipids, polymeric organic matter containing N catalytic atoms) with micronutrient metals (Fe, Co, Cu, Zn and Cd). Additionally, phytoplankton monoculture incubation under various growth conditions (nutrient concentrations and temperature variations) will be included in order to comprehend multiple impacts on the phytoplankton OM production and micronutrients metals distribution. Model experiments will be followed by in-situ investigations at the selected oligotrophic and eutrophic areas of the Adriatic Sea.
This will give holistic informations on the natural marine biochemical cycles and linkage between OM and micronutrient metals. In-situ investigations will be focused on the seasonal variations of the OM and micronutrient appearance and concentrations in combination with physico-chemical parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, O2), and dissolved and particulate organic carbon content, surface-active organic substances and macronutrients (PO4, NO3, NO2, NH4). These investigations will be conducted by intercomparable and multimethodological approaches using various chromatographic to electrochemical techniques. Finally, taking into account all obtained results an important part of the natural marine ecosystem processes will be characterized in the prospective of climate changes.
Simplified schematic of assumed interactions between micronutrient metals (M=Fe, Cu, Co, Zn, Cd) and organic molecules (lipids, acidic polysaccharides and N-POM) released from phytoplankton in conditions of (A) oligotrophy and (B) eutrophy. Biological processes drive production of OM and speciation of micronutrient metals:
(A) Micronutrient metals (hydrated ionic form, M, or inorganic complexes, MX) interact with released OM forming complexes from which cells easily take micronutrient metal by ligand exchange reactions. This is mechanism through which OM enhance bioavailability of micronutrient metals in deficiency.
(B) In eutrophy phytoplankton produce altered organics that form complexes with micronutrient metals which do not enable micronutrient metal uptake by cell. This is mechanism through which OM is reducing toxicity of micronutrient metals when they are in surplus. There are enough micronutrients in inorganic form which are preferable for the cellular uptake.
6.10.2014 - "Kickoff" sastanak
19.09.2016 održana radionica na Institutu Ruđer Bošković. Program radionice se nalazi u priloženoj brošuri.
18.01.2019 Završna radionica projekta AMBIOMERES. Program radionice se nalazi u priloženoj brošuri.
- Gašparović, B.*, Vrana, I., Frka, S., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Vlašiček, I., Djakovac, T., Ivančić, I., Smodlaka Tanković, M., Milinković, A., Flanjak, L., Chaux, F., Novak, T., Medić, N., Godrijan, J. 2023. Paradox of relatively more phospholipids in phytoplankton in phosphorus limited sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 68, 2800-2813.
- Godrijan, J., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Djakovac, T., Frka, S., Gašparović, B.* 2023. Lipids of different phytoplankton groups differ in sensitivity to degradation: implications for carbon export. Global Change Biology. 29, 5075-5086.
- Gašparović, B.*, Penezić, A., Lampitt, R.S., Sudasinghe, N., Schaub, T. 2023. Molecular-level evidence of early lipid transformations throughout oceanic depths. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 343, 49-63.
- Vrana, I.*, Gašparović, B.*, Geček, S., Godrijan, J., Novak, T., Kazazić, S.P., Mlakar, M., Kužat, N., Pfannkuchen, M., Marić Pfannkuchen, D. 2023. Successful acclimation of marine diatoms Chaetoceros curvisetus/pseudocurvisetus to climate change. Limnol. Oceanogr. 68, S158-S173.
- Penezić, A., Drozdowska, V., Novak, T., Gašparović, B.* 2022. Distribution and characterization of organic matter within the sea surface microlayer in the Gulf of Gdansk. Oceanologia, 64, 631-650.
- Flanjak, L., Vrana, I., Cvitešić Kušan, A., Godrijan, Novak, T., Penezić, A., Gašparović, B.* 2022. The effects of high temperatures and nitrogen availability on the growth and composition of the marine diatom Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus. J. Exp. Bot. 73, 4250-4265.
- Vrana, I., Bakija Alempijević, S., Novosel, N., Ivošević DeNardis, N., Žigon, D, Ogrinc, N., Gašparović, B. 2022. Hyposalinity induces significant polar lipid remodeling in the marine microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae). J. Appl. Phycol. 34, 1457-1470.
- Kužat, N., Smodlaka Tanković, M., Baričević, A., Ivančić, I., Vrana, I., Gašparović, B., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Pfannkuchen, M. 2022. Morpho-physiological adaptations of Leptocylindrus aporus and L. hargravesii to phosphate limitation in the northern Adriatic. Sci. Rep. 12, 2687.
- Penezić, A., Gašparović, B.*, Cuculić, V., Strmečki, S., Djakovac, T., Mlakar, M. 2022. Dissolved trace metals and organic matter distribution in the northern Adriatic, an increasingly oligotrophic shallow sea. Water 14, 349.
- Strmečki, S., Pereža, L. 2021. Electrochemistry of chitosan amino-glycan and BSA protein mixture under seawater conditions. J. Electroanal. Chem. 898, 115630.
- Hao, Y-Y, Zhu, Z-Y, Fang, F-T., Novak, T., Čanković, M., Hrustić, E., Ljubešić, Z., Li, M., Du, J-Z., Zhang, R-F., Gašparović, B. 2021. Tracing Nutrients and Organic Matter Changes in Eutrophic Wenchang (China) and Oligotrophic Krka (Croatia) Estuaries: A Comparative Study. Front. Mar. Sci. 8, 663601.
- Vrana Špoljarić, I., Novak, N., Gašparović, B.*, Kazazić, S.P., Čanković, M., Ljubešić, Z., Hrustić, E., Mlakar, M., Du, J., Zhang, R., Zhu, Z. 2021. Impact of environmental conditions on phospholipid fatty acid composition: Implications from two contrasting estuaries. Aquat. Ecol. 5, 1-20.
- Cabanes, J.E.D., Norman, L., Bowie, R.A., Strmečki, S., Hassler, S.C. 2020. Electrochemical evaluation of iron-binding ligands along the Australian GEOTRACES southwestern Pacific section (GP13). Mar. Chem. 219, 103736.
- Mucko, M., Padisák, J., Gligora Udovič, M., Pálmai, T., Novak, T., Medić, N., Gašparović, B., Peharec Štefanić, P., Orlić, S., Ljubešić, Z. 2020. Characterization of a lipid-producing thermotolerant marine photosynthetic pico-alga in the genus Picochlorum (Trebouxiophyceae), Eur. J. Phycol. 55, 384-399.
- Stolle, C., Ribas-Ribas, M., Badewien, T.H., Barnes, J., Carpenter, L.J., Chance, R., Riis Damgaard, L., Durán Quesada, A.M., Engel, A., Frka, S., Galgani, L., Gašparović, B., Gerriets, M., Hamizah Mustaffa, N.I., Herrmann, H., Kallajoki, L., Pereira, R., Radach, F., Revsbech, N.P., Rickard, P., Saint, A., Salter, M., Striebel, M., Triesch, N., Uher, G., Upstill-Goddard, R.C., van Pinxteren, M., Zäncker, B., Zieger, P., Wurl, O. 2019. The MILAN campaign: Studying diel light effects on the air-sea interface. B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 101, 146-166.
- Novak, T., Godrijan, J., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Djakovac, T., Medić, N., Ivančić, I., Mlakar, M., Gašparović, B. 2019. Global warming and oligotrophication lead to increased lipid production in marine phytoplankton. Sci. Total Environ. 668, 171–183.
- Rickard, P.C., Uhera, G., Upstill-Goddarda, R.C., Frka, S., Hamizah Mustaffa, N.I., Banko-Kubis, H.M., Cvitešić Kušan, A., Gašparović, B., Stolle, C., Wurl, O., Ribas-Ribas, M. 2019. Reconsideration of seawater surfactant activity analysis based on an inter-laboratory comparison study. Marine Chemistry, 208, 103-111.
- Gašparović, B.*, Penezić, A., Lampitt, R.S., Sudasinghe, N., Schaub, T. 2018. Phospholipids as a component of the oceanic phosphorus cycle. Mar. Chem. 250, 70-80.
- Smodlaka Tanković, M., Baričević, A., Ivančić I., Kužat, N., Medić, N., Pustijanac, E., Novak, T., Gašparović, B., Marić, D. 2018. Insights into the life strategy of the common marine diatom Chaetoceros peruvianus Brightwell, PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0203634.
- Strmečki, S., Paleček, E. 2018. Adsorption/desorption of biomacromolecules involved in catalytic hydrogen evolution. Bioelectrochem. 120, 87-93.
- Gašparović, B.*, Penezić, A., Frka, S., Kazazić, S., Lampitt, R.S., Holguin, F.O., Sudasinghe, N., Schaub, T. 2018. Particulate sulfur-containing lipids: production and cycling from the epipelagic to the abyssopelagic zones. Deep-Sea Res. I, 134, 12–22.
- Novak, T., Godrijan, G., Marić Pfannkuchen, D., Djakovac, T., Mlakar, M., Baricevic, A., Smodlaka Tanković, M., Gašparović, B.* 2018. Enhanced dissolved lipid production as a response to the sea surface warming. J. Mar. Sys. 180, 289–298.
- Mlakar, M., Cuculić, V., Frka, S., Gašparović, B. 2018. Copper - phospholipid interaction at cell membrane model hydrophobic surfaces. Bioelectrochem. 120, 10–17.
- Gašparović, B.*, Penezić, A., Lampitt, R.S., Sudasinghe, N., Schaub, T. 2017. Depth-related cycling of suspended nitrogen-containing lipids in the northeast Atlantic. Org. Geochem. 113, 55-66.
- Mlakar, M., Pavković, S., Tumir, L-M., Vukosav, P., Gašparović, B. 2017. Electrochemical characterization of biochemically active Cu(II) mixed ligand complex with histidine and cysteine. Electroanalysis 29, 392-397.
- Gašparović, B., Kazazić, S.P., Cvitešić, A., Penezić, A., Frka, S. 2017. Corrigendum to “Improved separation and analysis of glycolipids by Iatroscan thin-layer chromatography–flame ionization detection” [J. Chromatogr. A 1409 (2015) 259–267]. J. Chromtogr. A 1521, 168–169.
- Gašparović, B.*, Penezić, A., Lampitt, R.S., Sudasinghe, N., Schaub, T. 2016. Free fatty acids, tri-, di- and monoacylglycerol production and depth-related cycling in the Northeast Atlantic. Mar. Chem. 186, 101–109.
- Vukosav, P., Mlakara, M., Selmani, A., Bregović, N., Gašparović, B. 2016. Electroanalytical characterization of Zn (II) complexes with D-mannosamine and Glycine in aqueous solutions. Electrochim. Acta 188, 671–678.
- Plavšić, M., Strmečki, S. 2016. Carbohydrate polymers as constituents of exopolymer substances in seawater, their complexing properties towards copper ions, surface and catalytic activity determined by electrochemical methods. Carbohydrate polymers, 135 48-56
- Gašparović, B.*, Kazazić, S.P., Cvitešić, A., Penezić, A., Frka, S. 2015. Improved separation and analysis of glycolipids by Iatroscan thin–layer chromatography–flame ionization detection. J. Chromtogr. A 1409, 259–267.
- Mlakar, M., Fiket, Ž., Geček, S., Cukrov, N., Cuculić, V. 2015. Marine lake as in situ laboratory for studies of organic matter influence on speciation and distribution of trace metals. Cont. Shelf Rec. 103, 1-11.
Tihana Novak, Snježana Kazazić, Jelena Godrijan, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac, Marina Mlakar, Blaženka Gašparović, Effects of temperature on lipid synthesis of diatom Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetusand the northern Adriatic plankton community. Lipids in the ocean,structure, function, ecological role and applications, Brest, Francuska, 20-22.11.2018.
Blaženka Gašparović, Tihana Novak, Jelena Godrijan, Marina Mlakar, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac, „Dissolved lipid production in the Northern Adriatic (Mediterranean) in response to sea surface warming“. „European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017“, April 23–28, 2017, Vienna, Austria (
Tihana Novak, Blaženka Gašparović, Jelena Godrijan, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac i Marina Mlakar,"Effects of temperature on growth and lipid synthesis of diatom Chaetoceros curvisetus and the Northern Adriatic plankton community“. „European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017“, April 23–28, 2017, Vienna, Austria. (
Blaženka Gašparović, Abra Penezić, Richard S. Lampitt, Nilusha Sudasinghe, Tanner Schaub: Phospholipid Characterization as a Component of the Oceanic Phosphorus and Carbon Cycle. 2018 Ocean science meeting, Portland, Oregon, SAD,
Marina Mlakar, Vlado Cuculić, Sanja Frka Milosavljević, Blaženka Gašparović, Sanja Frka: Copper - Phospholipid Interaction at Cell Membrane Model Hydrophobic Surfaces. 2018 Ocean science meeting, Portland, Oregon, SAD,
Blaženka Gašparović, Tihana Novak, Jelena Godrijan, Marina Mlakar, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac: Dissolved lipid production in the Northern Adriatic (Mediterranean) in response to sea surface warming. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Beč, Austrija, 23.-28. 04. 2017.
Tihana Novak, Blaženka Gašparović, Jelena Godrijan, Daniela Marić, Tamara Djakovac, Marina Mlakar, Effects of temperature on growth and lipid synthesis of diatom Chaetoceros Curvisetus and the Northern Adriatic plankton community, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Beč, Austrija.
Marina Mlakar, Biogeochemistry and speciation of trace elements in karst marine lakes. Zuerich, Švicarska, 16-20. 07.2017.
Slađana Strmečki Kos, Emil Paleček, Tensammetry of proteins and polysaccharides on mercury electrode under conditions of catalytic activity, 6th RSE-SEE Conference 2017, Balatonkenese, Mađarska, 11-15.06.2017.
Daniela Marić Pfannkuchen, Ingrid Ivančić, Mirta Smodlaka Tanković, Ana Baričević, Tihana Sesar, Blaženka Gašparović, Martin Pfannkuchen, Life strategies of harmful planktonic algae (with respect to phosphate limitation) in marine environments, Book of abstracts, 2016, ICHA, Florianopolis, Brazil, 28-28.
Daniela Marić Pfannkuchen, Ana Baričević; Mirta Smodlaka Tanković, Ingrid Ivančić, Nataša Kužat, Emina Pustijanac, Grozdan Kušpilić, Tihana Novak, Blaženka Gašparović, Martin Pfannkuchen, Exploring the structure of a planktonic ecosystem. Book of abstracts, 2017, International Phycological Society, Szczecin, Poland, 126-126.
Nataša Kužat, Mirta Smodlaka Tanković, Ana Baričević, Ingrid Ivančić, Emina Pustijanac, Kušpilić Grozdan, Tihana Novak, Blaženka Gašparović, Martin Pfannkuchen, Daniela Marić Pfannkuchen, Interspecific variation in metabolic response to P limitation helps explaining sympatric congeneric species diversity (in the northern Adriatic), Book of abstracts, 2017, International Phycological Society, Szczecin, Poland, 111-111.
Blaženka Gašparović, Tihana Sesar, Milan Čanković, Zrinka Ljubešić, Enis Hrustić, Zhouyi Zhu, Ruifeng Zhang, Jinzhou Du: How Phytoplankton Membranes Cope With Steep Ionic Strength (Salinity) Gradient? Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, New Orleans, USA, 21-26 02. 2016.
Marina Mlakar, Željka Fiket, Vlado Cuculić, Neven Cukrov, Sunčana Geček: Speciation and Distribution of Trace Metals and Organic Matter in Marine Lake as In Situ Laboratory. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, New Orleans, USA, 21-26 02. 2016.
Tihana Sesar: Phytoplankton cellular lipid response on replete and deplete phosphorous conditions, COST Action ES1408: 1st EUALGAE workshop of algae bioproducts for early stage researchers, Valladolid, Spain, 04. 04. 2016.
Marta Plavšić, Slađana Strmečki: The characterization of polysaccharides in seawater accessed by electrochemical methods. Book of abstracts ( ISSBN 978-84-608-9990-7), 04-07. 09. 2016, Interfaces Against Pollution Conference ( IAP 2016), Llieda, Spain.
Izrađeni diplomski radovi
2018: Matea Bertanjoli (student PMF, Kemijski odsjek): Promjene sastava lipida diatomeje Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus ovisno o dostupnosti nutrijenta fosfata
2018: Petra Mlacović (student PMF, Biološki odsjek): Adaptacija odabranih vrsta morskih dijatomeja na ograničene koncentracije fosfora putem promjene sastava lipida
Izrađen rad za rektorovu nagradu:
2017: Nikola Medić (student PMF, Biološki odsjek): Abundancija i sastav lipida južno jadranskog pikoeukariota Picochlorum sp. u obogaćenom i fosfor limitirajućem mediju
Terenski rad
U sklopu projekta proveli smo uzorkovanje morske vode na sjevernom Jadranu, na transektu Rovinj ušće rijeke Po, na dvije postaje 107 i 108 (Slika D6.1.1). Izbor postaja je određen trofičkim statusom same postaje. Postaja 107 je oligotrofna (nedostatak hranjivih soli) dok je postaja mezo- do eutrofna (koncentracija hranjivih soli povoljna do prevelika). Uzorkovane su tri dubine 0, 5 i 10 m. Uzorkovali smo pomoću istraživačkog broda „Vila Velebita“ Instituta Ruđer Bošković. Uzorkovanja su provedena mjesečno, uključujući datume: 16. studenog 2016, 12. prosinca 2016, 27. siječnja 2017, 17. veljače 2017, 28. ožujka 2017, 03. svibnja 2017, 12. lipnja 2017, 12. srpnja 2017, 30. kolovoza 2017 i 04. listopada 2017
Slika D6.1.1. Mjesta uzorkovanja u sjevernom Jadranskom moru.
Slika D6.1.2. Uzorkovanje na brodu „Vila Velebita“.
U sklopu projekta proveli smo uzorkovanje morske vode u estuariju rijeke Krke, na dvije postaje (Slika D51.1). Izabrane su dvije postaje, čiste estuarijske vode i vode pod utjecajem istovarne luke u Šibeniku. Uzorkovane su 3 dubine: zaslađena voda 0 m, haloklina oko 2m, i slani sloj na 20 m. Uzorkovanja su provedena u četiri sezone, u studenom 2017 te siječnju, travnju i srpnju 2018. g.
Slika D51.1. Mjesta uzorkovanja u estuariju rijeke Krke
Slika D5.1.2. Uzorkovanje u estuariju rijeke Krke
Članovi projekta AMBIOMERES sudjeluju u sljedećim COST akcijama:
1. 2016 COST Action CA15121 -Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas(MarCons)
2. 2015 COST Action ES1408 -The European network for algal-bioproducts(EUALGAE)
3. 2016 COST Action CA15217 - Ocean Governance for Sustainability - challenges, options and the role of science.
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